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Weitzmann pariert auf der einen Seite stark gegen Elias, im Gegenzug scheitert Gagné an Brückmann. 1983 to 1988: Four championships in five years, 2001 to 2006: Successful years and the era Zach, International Ice Hockey Federation Hall of Fame, http://www.haie.de/index.php?type=timemachine&year=2007, "Kurzarbeitergeld: Arbeitsamt gibt Kölner Haien einen Korb", http://www.spiegel.de/sport/wintersport/eishockey-koelner-haie-kaempfen-um-del-titel-a-888985.html, "Heinz Hermann Göttsch: Kölns letzter Sport-Mäzen geht", "Deutsche Eishockey Liga beendet Saison vorzeitig", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kölner_Haie&oldid=998746952, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 168:16 minutes (22. A year later Scorpions had an influence on Hannover decisively about the seasonal course of the sharks: In January Bob Leslie was removed after a defeat against Scorpions for the second time from Lance Nethery on the trainer's post. Die offizielle Facebook-Seite der Nürnberg Ice Tigers aus der … Am Donnerstag live ab 18.15 Uhr: Kölner Haie - Nürnberg Ice Tigers, Krefeld Pinguine - Straubing Tigers, ab 20.15 Uhr: Grizzlys Wolfsburg - Adler Mannheim. Eight jersey numbers are no longer issued by the Kölner Haie. Bernd Schäfer should redevelop first as an interim president, the association. As a substitute with Čiernik the NHL ex-serviceman Mike Johnson whose contract was dissolved, nevertheless, already in December 2008 again was obliged thanks to the contacts by Todd Warriner. The sharks defeated Landshuter EV with 5:0 in the fifth and determining play and celebrated the German mastery. 21.12.2020 19:30: Fischtown Pinguins: BHV - Kölner Haie: KEC: 3:4: 27.12. Powerbreak! Besides, on account of the weak abscission and the turbulence in the association – middle of the season was dismissed trainer Bendík because of persistent failure – the numbers of spectators strongly decreased what led to a financial deficit. Jason Akeson und Kevin Gagné sorgen jetzt zumindest mal für ein bisschen Action in der Kölner Offensive und lassen den einen oder anderen Schuss los. Bereits am Samstag um 17.30 Uhr (Liveticker bei express.de ab 17.15 Uhr) steigt die Partie bei den Adler Mannheim. [7], A year later the sharks begun once more as favorites had to be content with place three. In the season 1980/81 the Play out of vision qualification reached of the KEC though sportily, however, the team became because of the entanglement in the passport forger's scandal (application of Canadians or American as German players, however, the German nationality had not moved) into the descent round. And thus the sharks in March 1977 managed the profit of the first mastery when one defeated, among the rest, the former standard master from Eisbären Berlin, as well as the Rhenish rivals from Düsseldorfer EG and Krefeld Pinguine in the master round introduced anew. Spieltag 33. Vom Start weg geht es intensiv zur Sache. Nevertheless, of drawing a deep breath was not to be thought yet, because a finance gap of about one million euros stood still in the space which it was a matter to close within the five-day extension put away by the DEL. [22] Nearly everyday announcements in the press about a forthcoming "way to the district court" or failed negotiations with potential new sponsors allowed to cook the rumour kitchen. Auch der Zufall hilft nicht. Mehr als einen Außennetztreffer von Plachta konnte Mannheim in den letzten Minuten nicht verbuchen. Kölner Haie - EHC Red Bull München (Highlights) GAMEREPORT. There are many places where you can watch free streams, but it could be very daunting to look for them. Köln versucht es nun sogar mit doppelter Überzahl, Hannibal Weitzmann bleibt unten. The Kölner Haie (Cologne Sharks) are an ice hockey club based in Cologne, Germany that plays in the professional Deutsche Eishockey Liga (DEL). Viel weniger kann man in einem Überzahlspiel nicht anbieten. Das Play-off-Viertelfinale gewannen die Kölner gegen die nach der Vorrunde besser platzierten Ingolstädter, unterlagen aber im Halbfinale gegen den späteren Meister Adler Mannheim. [24] On 8 June 2010, finally, there came the releasing announcement: „Future of the sharks securely!" Kölner Haie hoffen auf Playoffs - Mannheim baut Spitze aus Köln (dpa) - Die Kölner Haie dürfen sich weiterhin Chancen auf den Einzug in die Playoffs der … What remained, was a record existing still today: Nine play out of vision-half final participation in succession. Home of Four Formula 1 World Championships and the World's Fastest Pit Crew ⏱ #ChargeOn #GivesYouWings In the season 1989/90 everything seemed to run out again to the duel between both Rhenish rivals. Mannheim gewinnt die Scheibe an der eigenen Blauen, schaltet blitzschnell um und Lehtivuori hat die nächste Chance. At the beginning of the playoffs set of the KEC a record unequalled till this day: Including three victories in each case against Frankfurt and Mannheim the team 20 won playoff plays in succession.[11]. This led the KEC till the finale where they were defeated, however, by the polar bears Berlin with 1:3. Wolf hat die nächste Chance für die Adler, jagt den Puck aus dem hohen Slot aber an die Oberkante der Latte! After the successful last years the sharks were also valid in 2003/04 again to the favorites on the title in the DEL. In the third play of the series against Mannheim both teams set nearly a new world record. With Jozef Golonka an experienced trainer was obliged who led the team in the finale of the playoff round where one hit on EV Landshut. In spite of 15 points in the meantime Remains on the last Play out of vision place the sharks reached the final by a 1:0 victory in Iserlohn on the matchday before last. As in the year before players were dismissed shortly after start of the season, the team's structure was not right and the achievements of the team stagnated. Dennoch ein guter Auftakt der Haie. Weitzmann pariert! [25] The management had succeeded in winning a group of private investors. Die Adler Mannheim haben die Tabellenführung in der Südgruppe ausgebaut. 13,787 were here. In the first year under the new trainer Doug Mason the inhabitants of Cologne played one of heights and depths stamped qualifying round, booked at the end, however, the fifth place and reached thus to 26. The sharks managed in the season the second title profit which was overshadowed, nevertheless, by the resignation of the president. As a substitute the inhabitants of Cologne obliged the German national goalkeeper Robert Müller from Mannheim. Mannheim zieht immer wieder mit Tempo ins Angriffsdrittel und reißt riesige Lücken. As during the years the sharks played a weak qualifying round before also in the season 2001/02. Strangely in the obligation: Jochem Erlemann had sent several times employee with money to negotiations with Kühnhackl to Landshut which achieved, nevertheless, no success. In the season 1999/2000 the team of the sharks was valid according to many experts as one of the best ones which there was during the last years in the German hockey. Die Adler befreien sich immer wieder. Ab 18.15 Uhr: Kölner Haie - Nürnberg Ice Tigers, Krefeld Pinguine - Straubing Tigers Ab 20.15 Uhr: Grizzlys Wolfsburg - Adler Mannheim Freitag, 26.03.2021 (In brackets are listed the league and playoff games.). Before one had already booked in the European cup the second place. Jetzt ist die Luft natürlich endgültig raus. Nevertheless, still during the season was not clear whether the sharks can play this on account of a renewed deterioration of the financial situation to an end. Thus everything also ran first as desired: In December one won, as the first German team after 35 years, the top position and in the playoffs booked of the KEC the plumber cup in Davos, after the qualifying round the Augsburg panthers and Berlin Capitals were defeated without defeat. Die Gäste verteidigen bisher recht geschickt und stören den Aufbau der Adler immer wieder schon in der neutralen Zone. The association dismissed the trainer and fetched back rise trainer Ondrej Bendík to the gang. March 2008, Semi-final versus, This page was last edited on 6 January 2021, at 21:20. Adler Mannheim vs Düsseldorfer EG. There one reached by victories against Hedos München and the BSC Preussen the finale against the DEG. The financial problems of the sharks still worsened when president suffered landing shortly after end of the season a cardiac infarction and fell in the coma. Only after 168 minutes Philip Gogulla of the victory hits succeeded in the sixth lengthening. And after the cup victory in 2004 against Kassel and the fourth place after the qualifying round, one expected a lot from the KEC team. Livestream.com Follow International Series of Champions’s profile on Livestream for updates on live events. Also in the next playing time one had nothing to do with the descent. Als Wolf zurückkommt, gibt es dann sogar die Konterchance für die Gastgeber, doch Weitzmann macht gegen Shinnimin die Tür zu. 192, 50735 Köln Telefon 0221 - 224 2541 leserreisen@dumont.de Für individuelle, konkrete Fragen zu den einzelnen Reisen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an … Mannheim vergisst beim Aufbau in der eigenen Zone den Puck und Uvira taucht rechts vor Brückmann auf, macht daraus aber auch wieder nichts. Also in the next playing time, the sharks had moved in October 1998 in the just finished arena LANXESS (till 2008 "Kölnarena"), there were at the beginning many problems with the KEC. After a still disappointing qualifying round which the KEC on the sixth-place finished the team increased in the Playoffs of play to play and switched off Kaufbeuren, Mannheim as well as the Berlin Prussians. In 1975/76 became the first big crisis season of the sharks. Matthias Plachta darf über links ungestört ins Angriffsdrittel kurven und feuert dann knapp vorbei. Im Pokalfinale verloren die Haie, wie schon 2003, gegen die Adler Mannheim nach Verlängerung. Ob zu fünft oder zu viert - Köln hat hier aktuell keine Chance! Felix Brückmann beginnt im Tor der in Schwarz gekleideten Adler, das Gehäuse der in Rot-Weiß spielenden Gäste hütet Hannibal Weitzmann. Spieltag 34. Spieltag) "Mannheim wird sehr hart kommen, einen harten Forecheck spielen und sehr diszipliniert ihre Chancen nutzen wollen", glaubt Youngster Jan Luca Sennhenn und fordert: "Da müssen wir gut gegenhalten.". Zumindest für eine halbe Minute machen die Gäste mal Druck und schnuppern an einem Treffer. On Wednesday, 3 October 2018, the Sharks played a friendly exhibition game against the Edmonton Oilers of the National Hockey League which they lost by a score of 4–3 in overtime. Uwe Krupp stehen die Enttäuschung und die Ratlosigkeit ins Gesicht geschrieben. Die Haie haben am Gegentreffer erstmal zu knabbern und wirken unsortiert. Krämmer und Leier spielen vor der Kiste einen feinen Doppelpass und der Deutsche will den Puck von rechts aus kürzester Distanz über die Linie drücken, doch Kölns Goalie fährt blitzschnell den Schoner aus und macht das Eck zu! Was die Haie heute in Überzahl anbieten, ist wirklich unglaublich harmlos. Loja online de animais de estimação Zoomalia. Besides, the sharks reached the final in the European cup which got lost against Jokerit Helsinki only in the penalty kick shooting in December 1995. Today the shark is the unmistakable brand name of the club and since 1995 also officially part of the name. Liveticker Adler Mannheim - Kölner Haie (DEL 2020/2021, 35. Niklas Sundblad was carried to the coach, new companion Jan Broer became the second manager beside Eichin. Damit haben die Adler die Süd-Gruppe weiter fest im Griff und liegen an der Tabellenspitze satte 14 Punkte vor München. In 1991/92 when the 19-year-old Jozef Stümpel began his international career, riots provided in the sphere from beginning for problems. Die Haie sehen sich einem regelrechten Powerplay der Adler ausgesetzt, die den Puck flüssig durchs Angriffsdrittel zirkulieren lassen. Das war gerade mal der elfte Kölner Schuss aufs Adler-Gehäuse. With room for 18,500 spectators, Lanxess Arena is amongst the biggest multi-functional arenas in Europe, and the Kölner Haie have the second highest average attendance in European ice hockey behind Swiss team SC Bern. Eisbären Berlin - Straubing Tigers (Highlights) GAMEREPORT. After the sharks had finished the qualifying round on place 5 and had switched off in the quarterfinal in only four plays Nürnberg Ice Tigers, the half final series followed against the DEG. In the play-offs retired of the KEC in the quarterfinal then against Scorpions in three plays. Thu 1st Apr 4.42pm: Newborn, Rhiann - Sutjiadi, Aldila - tennis Mit den gleichen Mitteln soll nun der elfte Heimsieg in Serie besiegelt werden. Already during the preceding season the engagement of the coach of the national team at that time was made perfect what entailed that Rich Chernomaz in spite of the championship title no future had in Cologne. Die gute Chance haben dann nach einem Konter aber wieder die Adler. Besides, beside the vice mastery one stood in the finale of the DEB cup introduced again which one lost, however, against Mannheim. On account of an injured person's plight one lined up in the semi-final against the Mannheim ERC only with eleven healthy players. In one of the most exciting final series of the Bundesliga history the determining fifth play won the DEG in Brehmstrasse in Düsseldorf with 2:1 after lengthening. [5], The next playing times stood in the sign of the sporty mediocrity as well as the financial consolidation of the association. 10 August 1972 the independence of the hockey department was decided and Peter Rentergent was appointed the president of the new Kölner EC (KEC). However, also this season a tragic secondary phenomenon had for the sharks: 19-year-old Ralph Philipp, nephew of the long-standing KEC forward Rainer Philipp, died with a car accident. The star player still changed to Cologne. Für die Haie ist das ganz schön bitter! There was a reunion already a year later when one met once more in the quarterfinal. Since then the tricot number 8 which had "inherited" the promising young talent from his uncle any more will not award with the sharks to player. In spite of the blind relations in the board of directors qualified of the KEC as a fifth certainly for the playoffs where one was defeated in the semi-final by the later master Hedos München. The vice president anew appointed shortly before and manager collected subsequently nearly seven million DM of debts, player's salaries were not partially paid any more. However, even as had set up of the KEC sportily in the top flight of the league, tax additional payments and debts became known at the rate of more than two million DM. [10] A year later made the sharks to the Titelhattrick perfect when they won the fifth determining play with 4:1 in the finale of the Playoffs against the sports alliance of Rosenheim. With strong players like Detlef Langemann, Wim Hospelt or player and manager Günter Peter occupied team degraded the opponents in the second-highest play class partly in two digits. Autsch! Nevertheless, the team in 2008/09 for the first time for 28 years did not reach the playoffs. The term of office of Hans Zach began [16] with the aim title defence in Cologne. March 2008 – 23. In the playoffs to which one had gone as a qualifying round second the sharks lost no play and defeated Schwenningen, the DEG and Mannheim in three plays in each case. All for free! Nevertheless, the sharks, after a streaky qualifying round with a lot of restlessness in the team and in the sphere as a third in the final gone, were to the Landshutern put under and won no play. Eisbären Berlin vs Straubing Tigers. Die Adler Mannheim haben am Donnerstagabend das Auswärtsspiel gegen die Iserlohn Roosters mit 4:2 (1:1, 2:0, 1:1) gewonnen. [21] He had pumped more than 17 years 30 million euros into the association. Thu 1st Apr 5.30pm: Kölner Haie - ERC Ingolstadt - hockey. Video: Erster gegen Zweiter in der Gruppe Süd der DEL - und wieder heißt der Sieger Mannheim. Mannheim kommt druckvoll aus der Kabine und Mark Katic bekommt gleich eine gute Chance aus dem hohen Slot, jagt das Hartgummi aber knapp vorbei. Manager Peter after whom financial problems with his tyre trade were repeated fled without news from the town. After seven successively lost plays to start of the season – to the worst seasonal start of the association history – trainer Doug Mason was dismissed. As a result, Müller's number, the number 80, with the Cologne sharks was closed. A year later – Rodion Pauels had become meanwhile a sports co-ordinator of the sharks – came once more From in the quarterfinal. Die Starting Six der beiden Teams stehen bereits auf dem Eis und machen sich bereit. [9], In the season 1986/87 a team since introduction of the playoffs succeeded with the KEC for the first time in defending her title gained in the season before. Die Adler setzen sich auch im vierten Duell in dieser Saison mit den Münchnern durch. Adler Mannheim - Kölner Haie Los Angeles Kings - San Jose Sharks Pittsburgh Penguins - Boston Bruins Buffalo Sabres - New York Rangers Tampa Bay Lightning - Columbus Blue Jackets Augsburger Panther - Krefeld Pinguine Tappara - SaiPa HC 07 Detva - HK Poprad a.s. Kärpät - HPK Pelicans - TPS Jukurit - KalPa Lukko - Ässät On one of the last matchdays qualified of the KEC with a victory against Hannover still for the play-offs, after one threatened to miss them for the first time. Many positive recollections of the season still remained, also because of the new association record of 6,500 sold season tickets as well as the foundation of the Alex' Hicks initiative by the shark forward. Worked out in the year of the 30-year-old association jubilee one fixed only in the end of the qualifying round the move in the final once more. [2][3], In spite of the acute monetary problems the sharks with big transfer drew the attention to themselves., Among the rest, thus new president Jochem Erlemann obliged Gerhard Kiessling and his son Udo as a trainer or defender. The referee covered including match punishments, play duration punishments and disciplinary punishments of a total of 166 penalty minutes.[6]. In 1990/91 the team had to fight with many injuries, however, the qualification for the playoffs still created as a front runner. The sharks already were convincing in the qualifying round which they finished after a final spurt (20 plays without defeat according to regular playing time) on the second place. 4 ... Haie … This time, nevertheless, Bavarians won the quarter final series in four plays. Heute erwartet die Haie ein schweres Spiel. Das Powerplay ist in dieser Spielzeit wahrlich keine Stärke der Adler. Nach vorne geht gerade wenig. Noch einmal durchpusten, dann geht es in die Schlussphase. So lebt Ex-Kölner Matuschyk nach der Karriere. In the Playoffs to the mastery the sharks eliminated Lions after five plays, nevertheless, once more in the quarterfinal against Frankfurt.[15]. A strong local rivalry exists between the Kölner Haie and the Düsseldorfer EG, of neighboring Düsseldorf. In the following playing time 2013/2014 the sharks finished the main round on rank five. Also in the finale against the Mannheim eagles only the fifth play decided on the mastery. However, the inhabitants of Cologne won the Play out of vision quarterfinal against the inhabitants of Ingolstadt better placed after the qualifying round, were defeated in the semi-final against later most eagle Mannheim. Also in the first logo which the goalkeeper at that time and artist Dieter Horký sketched the shark was illustrated. Roedger was closed for many plays and was condemned, finally, to a compensation payment at the rate of 200,000 DM. In the semi-final asserted itself of the KEC in five plays against Munich of baron. Already before the season Clemens Vedder had removed his post as a treasurer for private reasons. Das ist einfach zu wenig! Still one created at the end extremely scarcely the class preservation. The stadium was built in 1936 and home of the Ice Hockey World Championship in 1955. Gemeinsam mit Leier fährt Katic dann nach Rückkehr direkt einen vielversprechenden Konter, Leier trifft aber nur die Oberkante der Latte. In her first Bundesliga year there were always problems in and around the team. "Wir haben sehr gut dagegengehalten, etliche Schüsse geblockt und als Team funktioniert", freute sich Coach Pavel Gross nach dem jüngsten Sieg. After the titelhattrick the sharks also counted in the season 1988/89 to the favorites, besides, they had stated the table after the qualifying round. Because the KEC remained first still to the old club as an independent department connected – one was called first Kölner EC in the Kölner EK – the team might begin directly in the second division. The Kölner Haie (Cologne Sharks) are an ice hockey club based in Cologne, Germany that plays in the professional Deutsche Eishockey Liga (DEL). For sensation provided of the KEC when he applied for short-time worker's money in spring, 2009 for the employees of the office. LCFC TV is the official video channel of Leicester City, featuring interviews, features, highlights, live shows and much more. Referee Jonas Merten bekommt direkt nach einem Bully unglücklich einen Kölner Schläger ins Gesicht und geht zu Boden. In the Play-offs the sharks had to come too to themselves against one on account of the Lockouts with NHL players reinforced team of ERC Ingolstadt in the determining seventh play in the Cologne arena 2:5 hit give. Nevertheless, after two victories against the promoted team EHC München the team lost all three plays against the Grizzly of Adam Wolfsburg in the quarterfinal. Als Katic zurückkommt ist immer noch kein Puck auf Felix Brückmann geflogen. Thus the surely believed removal of the ice stadium was rejected first by the town. Im Vier-gegen-vier machen die Gäste den etwas frischeren Eindruck und kommen auch einmal gefährlich vor das Tor, doch Sebastian Uvira macht aus seinem Platz im Slot viel zu wenig. Zoomalia.pt é uma loja de animais online com preços baixos que propõe mais de 100 000 referências na alimentação, alimentos, produtos e … After one had lost the first both parts, the team won herself the determining fifth play in the Cologne arena in which, nevertheless, the Krefelder defeated the sharks with 3:1. Landon Ferraro sichert den Kölnern den Zusatzpunkt, dank dem sie auf Rang sechs der Tabelle nur noch drei Zähler hinter den viertplatzierten Wolfsburger Grizzlys liegen. However, in the finale against Munich of baron there came the burglary, the sharks lost next three parts after the prelude victory and had to leave of the baron the title. Björn Krupp schmeißt die nächste Scheibe in Richtung des Tores der Mannschaft seines Vaters, landet aber genau in der Fanghand von Hannibal Weitzmann. Mannheim bleibt am Drücker und zieht auch bei Gleichzahl eine Art Powerplay auf. There one lost only one play, won in the first final series against the Düsseldorf EC (DEG) with 3:0 victories and celebrated once more the mastery. Den Gästen fehlt hier eindeutig der Glaube an ein Comeback. In spite of some departures of players the team after the qualifying round reached the second place. Die Haie können auch in Überzahl überhaupt keine Gefahr entfachen und verbuchen kaum Abschlüsse. Close to the Lanxess Arena the Kölner Haie built a hockey trainings center and their office. Das 4:2 in Iserlohn am Donnerstag war Mannheims achter Sieg aus den letzten neun Spielen. Wenn man die ersten Minuten hier sieht, kann man gar nicht glauben, dass Köln gerade komplett ist. The KEK was furthermore a member in the German Ice Hockey Federation and, hence, owned a start authorisation for this play class. In the DEL-Playoffs the team hit in the fourth year as a result of on Landshut. Auch vor dem eigenen Tor machen die Rheinländer die Räume gut zu und blocken viele Schüsse. When then the seasonal start failed, trainer Nilsson came under fire and after the elimination in the quarterfinal against Mannheim, a struggle for power began behind the scenery which culminated in resignations of several board members.[12]. In the fourth play the sharks dated back shortly before end when Bill Lindsay allowed the lengthening in which he also marked the victory hit. In the season 2005/06 it came after ten years for the first time again to one meeting with the DEG to the play-offs. The ice and swimming stadium in Cologne, called Eisstadion an der Lentstraße was already used by the Kölner EK. Also Gerhard Kiessling, master trainer of 1977, returned to the sharks, after he had been dismissed immediately after the first championship unexpectedly. Spieltag 33. Adler Mannheim - Düsseldorfer EG (Highlights) GAMEREPORT. Games between the two teams often sell out. After another season with many long time injured persons, the sharks booked the fourth place. In the cup finale the sharks, like already in 2003, against the eagles lost Mannheim after lengthening. Die Haie kommen nicht ein einziges Mal in die gewünschte Formation und Mannheim befreit sich immer wieder gut. Besides, president landing announced his resignation at the end of the season 1993/94. Mal in Folge die Play-offs. 20:30. On 8 November 2012 an all star play with many former players found to the celebration of the 40-year-old existence of the KEC In November 2010 stood of the KEC again at the end of the table and dismissed trainer and manager Stewart. Kölner Haie gegen Straubing Tigers. As a successor for Mason the management determined the former co-trainer Clayton Beddoes to whom with Andreas Lupzig an old friend was provided. In einem packenden und phasenweise hocklassigen Duell schlugen die Adler Mannheim die Augsburger Panther mit 4:2. Der Unparteiische ist zwar schnell wieder auf den beinen, gehts zur Behandlung aber erstmal runter. A year later, also the team of the sharks had strongly been changed by the so-called Bosman decision, one was less successful in the European founded anew hockey league (EHL) and already retired in the group phase. Riesensave von Weitzmann! With it they defeated the team which was better placed as only in the qualifying round. So nicht! The Kölner Haie play their home games in the DEL and the German Cup (DEB-Pokal) at the Lanxess Arena, which opened in 1998, located in the district Deutz. The new association should be called originally only Kölner EC – what did not admit, however, the association register because of the resemblance to the Kölner EK. Also in both following playing times everything ran with the sharks not as planned. Die Gastgeber spielen jetzt ganz locker auf und und kommen zu weiteren Möglichkeiten. [13], After the foundation of the Deutsche Eishockey Liga ((DEL), in which for the first time associations might also line up as a GmbHs, Heinz Hermann Göttsch assumed the office of the main companion and that of the chairman of the board at the Cologne hockey society founded anew "The sharks" Ltd. By extensive consolidation measures and donation actions of fans the sharks succeeded in getting some high-carat professionals to the Rhine. Moreover, on 9 March 1981 it came in the Bundesliga play against the VfL Bad Nauheim to a mass scrap. Man muss in Mannheim sicherlich nicht gewinnen, aber das war heute gar nichts von den Haien. Gagné und Dumont fahren den nächsten Gegenstoß, kommen aber nicht zum Abschluss. Norris with 2:1 won of the KEC by gates of Alex Hicks and Dwayne this and gained his eighth German mastery. Einige Unterbrechungen haben dem Mannheimer Spiel zuletzt ein wenig den Fluss geraubt und Köln ist nun wieder besser aufgestellt. After the LanxessArena had met the inhabitants of Cologne with a new hire contract,[23] could announce Thomas Eichin on 31 May that one has submitted in time the licence application to the DEL. On 21 May 2009 the Cologne sharks announced that her goalkeeper Robert Müller has died of a cancer illness. By the abscission bad once more and the finance problems the summer break became in 2010 for the fans the test of patience. Hence, the addition "The sharks" was added later to the association name. [4], After the KEC did not manage the sighted title defence, the president obliged many new players., Among the rest, there came Miroslav Sikora who remained the following 20 years as a player and manager linked to the sharks to Cologne. Till 1983 formed an efficient team with young, ambitious players, as for example Miroslav Sikora, Gerd Truntschka, Uwe Krupp and Helmut de Raaf, as well as experienced players like Udo Kiessling and Uli Hiemer.
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