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2016/04. – having regard to the Bruegel policy contribution of 5 June 2020 entitled ‘Is the COVID-19 crisis an opportunity to boost the euro as a global currency?’13, – having regard to the study carried out by its Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union (DG IPOL) of 13 February 2019 entitled ‘Euro at 20: Background reader – Brexit offers a political opportunity for the European Parliament to reform the allocation of seats to member states. Get PDF (627 KB) Abstract. No. Bruegel's most distinctive stylistic contribution to art history was a form of narrative composition in which a sprawling landscape is filled with a teeming mass of humanity, figures grouped together across the canvas to form various intersecting focal points. “The messy rebuilding of Europe”, Bruegel Policy Brief 2012/01, prepared for the informal ECOFIN in Copenhagen, Denmark 30 … bruegel policy brief 02 BY THE ENDof the decade the euro area may have expanded from the current 12 members to 19 mem-bers. Sapir. This Policy Contribution explores different options for reform and their implications for equality of representation and distribution of seats to countries, within … 2020 ex-ante contributions. This Policy Contribution reviews the major challenges faced by the euro area, and discusses recent initiatives and the way forward. Bruegel Policy Contribution No. July 2008; Authors: Nicolas Veron. Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics; Download full-text PDF Read full-text. Bruegel is a think tank devoted to policy research on economic issues. 18: 2018: They have initiated various reforms in the economic, institutional and political spheres, with the aim of bringing the country closer to the European Union, boosting economic growth and international competitiveness, and building a liberal democracy. 2017 ex-ante contributions. The European Council has outlined the creation of a Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM), complementing the Single Supervisory Mechanism. Each Semester concludes with recommendations for the euro area as a whole and for each EU member state. “, Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/07, briefing prepared for the monetary dialogue of the European Parliament (with Jean Pisani-Ferry). By Jean Pisani-Ferry and André. Bruegel Policy Contribution/August 2006, Issue 4 . Bruegel Policy Contribution No. Download PDF (211 KB) Abstract. Bruegel Policy Contribution, 2014. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2014/14, 17 November 2014 Wolff, Guntram B. Abstract: This Policy Contribution tries to answer two main questions: can cryptocurrencies acquire the role of money? By Nicolas. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2020/14 June 30, 2020 Since the Euromaidan protests (2013-2014), Ukraine has had two presidents and four governments. Bruegel Policy Contribution July 22, 2015 The paper investigates the distortions that national competition authorities generate when they pursue non-competitive goals in favour of domestic firms, and discusses ways to address this negative policy development in a globalised world. Alexander Lehmann (alexander.lehmann@ bruegel.org) is a Visiting Fellow at Bruegel . Some implications are drawn out for Latvia’s euro accession, which is likely to be beneficial on balance. Bruegel Policy Contribution, July 11, 2008. A version of this Policy Contribution was prepared at the request of the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, for the public hearing of the Chair of the Single Resolution Board, 22 March 2017. A new EU think tank called the 'Brussels European and Global Economic Laboratory' (BRUEGEL) has been launched by former commissioner Mario Monti and French economist Pisani-Ferry in Brussels. By Nicholas Véron and Guntram B. Wolff. 2020. Veron. [Policy Paper] Veugelers, R. 2012, Innovation in EU merger control: walking the talk, Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/708, Bruegel, Brussels. PDF | On Sep 1, 2011, Nicolas. ... 2021 ex-ante contributions. [Policy Paper] PDF - Published Version Download (343Kb) Abstract. 2015/19. The UK’s EU Referendum: the 1975 Precedent and Today’s Vote (Bruegel Policy Contribution) manu 23/06/2015 Blog I’m publishing a new Policy Contribution for Bruegel , on the forthcoming vote about the UK’s EU membership. Policy contribution | The geopolitics of the European Green Deal, by M. Leonard, J. Pisani-Ferry, J. Shapiro, S. Tagliapietra and G. Wolff | Bruegel Posted on February 7, 2021 Image credits: European Union Highlights. Schneider, C. & R. Veugelers, 2010, On Young Highly Innovative Companies: why they matter and how (not) to policy support them, Industry and Corporate Change, 19, 4, 969-1007. Véron published Testimony on the European debt and financial crisis. Bruegel Policy Contribution No. The new member states’ des-ire to join EMU is understandable. And what are the implications for central banks and monetary policy? Bruegel Policy Contribution September 2020. Download PDF (168 KB) Abstract. Bruegel Policy Contribution September 2020. 14. By Simone Tagliapietra and Georg Zachmann. [Policy Paper] 2018 ex-ante contributions. Bruegel event on the state of policy debate in the EU crisis management and deposit insurance framework. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2009/03, March 2009 . Bruegel Policy Contribution 2010/09, September 2010 2011/18. Peterson Institute for International Economics Policy Briefs, 2018. (2012) What kind of European Banking Union? OJ Blanchard, A Leandro, S Merler, J Zettelmeyer. Some policy publications. 2018/10. Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue 2015/10 July 2015 . PDF | On Aug 1, 2012, Nicolas. BRUEGEL POLICY CONTRIBUTION. Fuest, Clemens and Pisani-Ferry, Jean (2020) Financing the European Union: New Context, New Responses. Bruegel Policy Contribution No. Abstract: Remedying the European Union's deficient overall business research and development performance requires the nurturing of more new companies in new sectors, enabling them to grow to leading-innovator status. 2019 ex-ante contributions. Abstract: The European Semester is a yearly process of the European Union to improve economic policy coordination and ensure the implementation of the EU's economic rules. 2016 ex-ante contributions… Abstract. Véron published The challenges of Europe's fourfold union. Young leading innovators and the EU's R&D intensity gap. Abstract: [Highlights] The European Central Bank (ECB) has made a number of significant changes to the original guidelines of its quantitative easing (QE) programme since the programme started in January 2015. Series Bruegel Policy Contribution "Bruegel Policy Contribution". The company’s policy is to instruct U.S. trade associations not to use company funds for independent campaign expenditures or contributions to any federal, state or local candidate, ballot measure, party committee, non-candidate organization (such as political convention host committees) or organizations organized under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code. 19: 2014: Impact of Italy’s draft budget on growth and fiscal solvency. October 2008 ... against policy mistakes, but this certainly diminishes their probability. Preprint Dabrowski M., Zachmann G., Dominguez-Jimenez M. Six years after Ukraine’s Euromaidan: reforms and challenges ahead / Bruegel. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2012/12, June 25, 2012 Pisani-Ferry, Jean and Sapir, André and Véron, Nicolas and Wolff, Guntram B. Bruegel Policy Contribution 2010/12, December 2010 This Policy Contribution was prepared as a briefing paper for the European Parliament Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee’s Monetary Dialogue, entitled ‘The threat of 'currency wars': global imbalances … Bruegel Policy Contribution Issue n˚09 | June 2018}, author={Konstantinos Efstathiou and G. Wolff}, year={2018} } Konstantinos Efstathiou , G. Wolff Published 2018 Bruegel Policy Contribution 2013/04, February 2012 . (2014) Eurosystem collateral policy and framework: Was it unduly changed?
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