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It was an effective way to advertise products by circumventing British broadcasting restrictions that were in place at the time. joint venture with Axel Springer, Heinrich Bauer Verlag, Lühmanndruck Harburger Zeitungsgesellschaft and Morgenpost Verlag. Radio Luxembourg (in het Nederlands doorgaans Radio Luxemburg genoemd) was een radiozender in Luxemburg die rond 1929 begon uit te zenden op de lange golf.Door financiële problemen moesten de uitzendingen snel weer worden stilgelegd. Nachtsender 1212 broadcast from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg using the former commercial radio facilities known as Radio Luxembourg, … The Société Luxembourgeoise d'Études Radiophoniques (SLER) was founded on 11 May 1929 with the aim of obtaining an eventual broadcasting contract from the Luxembourg government. Der Standort Luxemburg war aus rechtlichen Gründen notwendig, da bis zur Einführung der Privatradios nur öffentlich-rechtliche Sender aus Frankreich für Frankreich senden durften. RTL, formerly Radio Luxembourg, is a French commercial radio network owned by the RTL Group. Radiostationen Radio Luxembourg begyndte sine udsendelser på langbølgebåndet i 1933 fra Beidweiler på bølgelængden 1.282 meter (svarende til frekvensen 234 kHz).. From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This is an incomplete list of radio stations in Luxembourg. RTL-Radio von 1959 bis 1995 an Künstler aus dem Bereich des Schlagers und der Popmusik vergab. Juni 2015 mat gouf, iwwer d'UKW–Frequenzen 93,3 an 97,0, mat RTL Radio Luxemburg (net zu verwiesselen mat RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg) och en däitschsproochege Regional-Programm fir Lëtzebuerg an d'Groussregioun gesent. Gezien het programma aanbod was het wel duidelijk dat dit gewone radio uitzendingen waren. Other past or current programmes on RTL include: List of director-generals/heads of programming: joint venture with Tele München Fernseh, Heinrich Bauer Verlag and Burda. Now Playing: Radio airplay monitoring powered by ACRCloud. It broadcast from outside France until 1981, because only public stations had been allowed until then. This culminated in the soft re-launch of Radio Luxembourg in English at 07:00 BST on 12 September 2005. Radio Luxemburg ment a lot to us in the old days (I am 67 now) My memory may be a little rusty, but as far as I remember, I listened every night, when I was young. A British company, Radio Luxembourg (London) Ltd, controlled the programme content and sold the advertising time. Radio 1212 or Nachtsender 1212 was a black propaganda radio station operated from 1944 to 1945 by the Psychological Warfare Branch of the US Office of War Information (OWI) under the direction of CBS radio chief William S. Paley, who was based in London. During the May 1968 crisis, the French public radio networks were on strike and TV was not independent from the government. Unlike the British government's treatment of the Luxembourg English service, which was never allowed to have a landline from London, the French service has long had its main studios in Paris, with a landline from there to the transmitter. Since 2000, it has gone through a crisis. 'n Aantal bekende banke het takke in die stadswyk Kirchberg. The station continues as an online service, although the service has not been updated with any new audio programming since 31 December 2007. The English-language station broadcasting from the Grand Duchy closed down at the end of 1992. Cet article présente la liste des radios au Luxembourg.. Luxembourg, pays multilingue, diffuse des radios dédiées à chacune des langues officielles : le luxembourgeois, le français et l'allemand.En outre, il existe également des stations de radio qui diffusent en anglais et en portugais Radio Luxembourg was one of private "peripheral" networks transmitting from abroad. All three stations have very high-powered transmitters occupying long-wave frequencies that date back many decades. Hun stod i 1919 sammen med bl.a. In order to stop the aging of RTL's audience, station managers imposed changes which have alienated some listeners. Radio Luxembourg, i Norge ofte bare kalt Radio Lux, var en internasjonal, engelsk- og franskspråklig radiostasjon med sender i Luxembourg, som gjorde store deler av Europa kjent med mye populærmusikk.Initiativtakerne til stasjonen startet stasjonen som en utfordring av det statlige monopolet BBC hadde i Storbritannia.. Historie. It is known in most non-English languages as RTL (for Radio Television Luxembourg). Radio Luxembourg's two main national competitors are Europe 1 (another out-of-country commercial station, broadcasting from Saarland, again with Paris studios) and the state-owned France Inter. Programmes in English débuted on 3 December 1933 under the editorial guidance of Stephen Williams. De reden dat men voor deze benaming koos was dat met name in het Verenigd Koninkrijk fel werd geprotesteerd tegen de komst van dit radiostation. joint venture with Mediengruppe Dr. Haas. The Legend Is Back! Jako pozůstatek po něm zůstala televize RTL. Radio Luxembourg - This is Radio Luxembourg! However, National Grid Wireless failed to win the licence. Radio Luxembourg (luxemburg9 "sillä Radio Luxemburg oli Suomessakin hyvin kuunneltu länsimainen radioasema 50- ja 60-luvuilla, siis ennen kuin Yleisradio liberalisoi musiikkipolitiikkaansa. This is an incomplete list of radio stations in Luxembourg. joint venture with Rheinland-Pfälzische Rundfunk. Esta estación fue parte del conglomerado europeo de radiodifusión RTL Group. joint venture with Amperwelle Studio München Programmanbietergesellschaft. Dne 30. prosince 1992 legendární Radio Luxembourg zaniklo definitivně. Radio Luxembourg is a multilingual commercial broadcaster in Luxembourg. The English language service of Radio Luxembourg began in 1933 as one of the earliest commercial radio stations broadcasting to … God bless y … The French service has called itself RTL for many years. The station is off the air since december 1992 because the revenues were too low to … This Luxembourg-related article is a stub. Consequently, it appears to the listener as simply a big French national radio station, as the Luxembourg connection is downplayed. Radio Luxembourg begynte sendinger i 1933 på 1304 … Department A Tone B Tone Kewaunee Rescue 726.8 553.9 Algoma Rescue 600.9 617.4 Luxemburg Rescue 617.4 767.4 Casco First Responders 553.9 1092.4 Radio Luxemburg sendete überwiegend aus dem Studio 4 der Villa Louvigny im Parc Municipal in Luxemburg.Am 2. Koko Euroopan nuoriso niin idässä kuin lännessäkin kuunteli sitä. 780. Radio Luxembourg in English from 1933 to 1939 and from 1946 to 1992 was an important forerunner of modern commercial radio in the United Kingdom. Felix Meurders (gebore op 22 augustus 1946 in Mestreech) is bekind es prizzentator op de Hollandse radio en tv, bij de umroopvereiniging VARA.. Heer begòs es DJ in diskoteke en maakde zien tv-debuut in ’t popprogram Doebiedoe, de veurlouper vaan ’t latere Toppop, allebei van de umroop AVRO.In 1973 prizzenteerde heer Nederlandstaolige programma’s veur Radio Luxemburg. Radio Luxembourg broadcast each evening from 19:00 to 23:00, in German, French and Dutch and was therefore the only French-language private broadcaster available in France and Belgium. Radio Luxembourg (DRM) – rozgłośnia radiowa mająca z założenia być kontynuacją popowo-rockowego serwisu Radia Luxembourg nadającego uprzednio w paśmie średnio falowym na częstotliwości 1440 k Hz jako 2-0-8. The agreement also set up a committee for programming and a technical committee which allowed the government to regulate the private station. In 1978 werd de hitlijst voor een korte periode uitgebreid tot een Top 40. Thompson and Thomson were listening to Radio Luxembourg and were singing with the advertisement of … RTL-Radio von 1959 bis 1995 an Künstler aus dem Bereich des Schlagers und der Popmusik vergab. De Radiossender huet zur RTL Group gehéiert. Fernsehpreis, den der Sender Radio Luxemburg bzw. joint venture with Pressefunk Nordrhein-Westfalen and. This website is devoted to its colourful history. [zdroj?] Luxembourg (po fr.) Nodeem d'Nolauschterer tëscht 2001 a 2015 vu ronn 2,2 Mio. Der Sender wurde 1933 als Radio Luxembourg gegründet und 1966 in RTL umbenannt. The English language service of Radio Luxembourg began in 1933 as one of the earliest commercial radio stations broadcasting to … RTL, formerly Radio Luxembourg, is a French commercial radio network owned by the RTL Group. Später wurde der Preis auch für andere Kategorien, wie etwa Politik (ab 1990) verliehen. RTL – Deutschlands Hit-Radio (ehemals RTL Radio, davor Radio Luxemburg) ist ein deutschsprachiger Radiosender, der in Berlin produziert wird und luxemburg- und deutschlandweit via Kabel, Satellit (europaweit), DAB+ und gebietsweise auch über UKW sendet. Intended for the French-speaking part of Belgium with studios in Brussels, this station is licensed (along with many competing commercial stations) by the Belgian Government with a network of FM transmitters covering Brussels and Wallonia. RTL features a popular daily talk show named Les Grosses Têtes, which has been broadcast since 1977. Luxemburg is die setel van 'n universiteit, Radio Tele Luxembourg en verskeie instellings van die Europese Unie, insluitende die Europese Geregshof en die Europese Beleggingsbank. In 1981, under president François Mitterrand, privately run radio stations were allowed to broadcast in France. Radio Luxembourg was a Welsh psychedelic pop band that formed in Aberystwyth in 2005 and changed name to Race Horses in 2009 possibly due to legal problems with the radio station of the same name. der Produktionsfirma. Ebenfalls wird das Programm landesweit im Kabelnetz, sowie als Livestream im Internet und über Telefonserver verbreitet. Until the 1980s, only the French public radio networks could transmit from France itself. Radio Luxembourg and its English language service had a formative influence on generations of listeners. From 2000 to 2002, RTL lost a third of its listeners, falling to second in the ratings behind NRJ. On 19 December 1929 the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg established a state monopoly on broadcasting, but the law provided for possible concessions to private companies who wanted to use radio bandwidth, with the state charging a fixed amount for private use of radio. Pop Singles From the 60s & 70s. Radio Luxembourg oli RTL Groupin mainosrahoitteinen radioasema, joka oli populaarimusiikin kärkinimi Euroopassa vuosina 1933–1992.Asema lähetti ohjelmaa aiemmin keskipitkillä aalloilla ja soitti uusinta pop- ja rockmusiikkia. In November 2006, it re-took the lead in the French radio ratings only to succumb again in July 2012 to NRJ. This article is about the radio station founded in 2005. Es werden dabei zwei Frequenzen genutzt: 88,9 MHz und 92,5 MHz. The Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Radiodiffusion (CLR) was founded on 30 May 1931, officially replacing the SLER. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1977 Vinyl release of "Erkennungsmelodien Von Radio Luxemburg" on Discogs. Radiostationen Radio Luxembourg begyndte sine udsendelser på langbølgebåndet i 1933 fra Beidweiler på bølgelængden 1.282 meter (svarende til frekvensen 234 kHz).. Tours take the orchestra to many music venues in Europe as well as in Asia and the USA. Founded in 1933 as Radio Luxembourg, the station's name was changed to RTL in 1966. It still broadcasts on 234 kHz long wave using the Beidweiler Longwave Transmitter, but nowadays also utilizes a network of FM transmitters throughout France, as well as the internet, cable and satellite. Founded in 1933 as Radio Luxembourg, the station's name was changed to RTL in 1966. For other uses, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, The new English Service of Radio Luxembourg - DRM, Orders, decorations, and medals of Luxembourg,, Articles lacking in-text citations from September 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 16 January 2021, at 13:40. Television in Germany — began in Berlin on March 22, 1935, broadcasting for 90 minutes three times a week. About 50% of its broadcast is information and talk focusing on news and current affairs with a large team of respected journalists. They were nicknamed "barricades radio". In addition, there are also radio stations that broadcast in English and in Portuguese. RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg ist ein Hörfunkprogramm in luxemburgischer Sprache, das über UKW im Großherzogtum Luxemburg und im Grenzbereich des benachbarten Auslandes zu empfangen ist. It broadcast from outside France until 1981, because only public stations had been allowed until then. Radio Luxembourg in English from 1933 to 1939 and from 1946 to 1992 was an important forerunner of modern commercial radio in the United Kingdom. Radio Luxembourg is the name of a commercial radio station on Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM). OPL concerts are regularly broadcast by Luxembourg radio 100,7 and internationally by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). It has no particular connection with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg other than its ownership by the RTL parent company. Rosa Luxemburg (Rosalia Luxemburg, polsk: Róża Luksemburg; født 5. marts 1871, død 15. januar 1919) var en polsk-tysk socialistisk politisk tænker, der i starten af det 20. århundrede kritiserede den reformisme, det tyske socialdemokrati var slået ind på. Full list of frequencies on FM in other areas, Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Radiodiffusion, Beidweiler (Luxembourg) Longwave Transmitter, Les radios périphériques : Radio Luxembourg 1929, 100 ans de Radio,, Short description is different from Wikidata, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Vague or ambiguous time from February 2013, Articles with French-language sources (fr), France articles missing geocoordinate data, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 November 2020, at 13:48. W 2005 RTL podjęła decyzję o wznowieniu anglojęzycznego serwisu Radia Luxembourg w cyfrowej technice DRM w miejsce nadawanego do lat 90. The German television market had approximately 36.5 million television households in 2000, … Het Duitstalige RTL Radio richt zich behalve op In 1952 moved the transmitter to the 208 metres medium wave (1440 kHz) with a power of 1200 kW (2 x 600 kW). It broadcast from outside France until 1981, because only public stations had been allowed until then. Radio Luxembourg is the name of a commercial radio station on Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM). Radio Luxembourg quickly gained a large audience in France. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. In the 1960s, it was faced with the success of another peripheral network from Germany, Europe 1, which adopted a modern tone and attracted a young audience. RTL and Europe 1 were the main ways of obtaining independent information for the French people. Später wurde der Preis auch für andere Kategorien, wie etwa Politik (ab 1990) verliehen.. Der Preis wog mit Sockel 2,5 kg und war 26 cm hoch. Radio Luxembourg was hoping to broadcast in English on one of the two new digital national DAB services in the UK during 2008, if National Grid Wireless Limited won the licence. View wiki Luxembourg, as a multilingual country, has a range of media dedicated to each of the official languages: Luxembourgish, French, and German. RTL-Radio Luxemburg (Die vier fröhlichen Wellen) ass e lëtzebuergesche kommerzielle Radiossender an däitscher Sprooch. Radio Luxembourg (Radio Luxemburgo) fue una emisora de radio comercial que transmitió desde el Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo hacia las Islas Británicas entre 1933 y 1992. Igl existan in radio internaziunal, dus naziunals, quatter regiunals e radund 20 emetturs locals (situaziun dal 2002). In the 1950s, when John Peel was growing up, its evening broadcasts on the medium wave band were the only alternative to the BBC for most UK listeners, and remained so until the rise of the offshore pirate stations of the mid-1960s. Radio Caroline, the former offshore radio station, now sending multiple music streams on the internet, also local full time DAB and regional AM on special weekends. RTL, now broadcasting in France mostly at 104.3 MHz, was the radio network with the most listeners from 1981 to 2002. Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach: Radio Télé Luxemburg — 50.9382388888896.85550277777787Koordinaten: 50° 56′ 17,66″ N, 6° 51′ 19,81″ O … Deutsch Wikipedia. Memory lane. This is an incomplete list of radio stations in Luxembourg.Luxembourg, as a multilingual country, has a range of media dedicated to each of the official languages: Luxembourgish, French, and German.In addition, there are also radio stations that broadcast in English and in Portuguese. Véliko vójvodstvo Lúksemburg (luksemburško Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg, francosko Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, nemško: Großherzogtum Luxemburg, kratko Lúksemburg) je majhna celinska država v Zahodni Evropi.Meji na Belgijo, Francijo in Nemčijo.Luksemburg obsega približno 2586 km² in ima manj kot pol milijona prebivalcev. Januar 1976 wurde Studio Bonn gegründet, im Juli 1981 folgte ein Studio in Düsseldorf-Oberkassel (Studioleiter: Max Schautzer), in dem insbesondere die Sendungen „Mister Morning“ und „Die großen Acht“ aufgenommen wurden.Der Verkehrswarnfunk von RTL-Radio Luxemburg… Radio. joint venture with Verlagsgesellschaft Madsack, Studio Gong Niedersachsen and Brune-Rieck-Beteiligungs. Luxemburg se dinamiese ekonomie verskaf werk aan 156 800 pendelaars uit die buurlande wat daagliks na die groothertogdom stroom. Nykyisin tämä yhtiö onkin Euroopan tärkein yksityinen radio- ja televisioyhtiö." Luxemburg (în luxemburgheză Lëtzebuerg; în franceză Luxembourg; în germană Luxemburg; pronunțat în pronunție luxemburgheză: audio), oficial Marele Ducat de Luxemburg, este o țară fără ieșire la mare, din vestul Europei.Se învecinează cu Belgia la vest și la nord, cu Germania la est, și cu Franța la sud. Radio Luxembourg can also be heard with a live stream with a classic rock playlist. RTL ist ein französischer privater Radiosender, der zu 100 Prozent zur RTL Group gehört. ZUM RICHTIGEN DEMO Die Rechte gehören dem jeweiligen Sender bzw. Op 15 maart 1933 ging Radio Luxemburg van start met testuitzendingen op 1191 meter. Radio Luxembourg va ser una emissora de ràdio comercial que va transmetre des del Gran Ducat de Luxemburg cap a les Illes Britàniques entre 1933 i 1992. History. De Radio Luxemburg Top 30 was een hitlijst van de Engelstalige service van Radio Luxemburg. In 2005 the parent RTL company stated that the AM transmissions would not resume but that a full-time English service would begin on Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM). Soeren Pedersden Broendby, Denmark (04/06/2010). See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Radio Stations & Broadcast Companies in Luxemburg, WI. It broadcasts adult contemporary music nationally via cable, DAB+ satellite and internet and regionally via FM in Luxembourg, Rheinland-Pfalz , Saarland , eastern German-speaking Belgium , and Lorraine . The official opening of broadcast was on 15 March 1933 at 19:00 with a pre-recorded concert of light music. I 1939 blev udsendelserne afbrudt af 2. verdenskrig, og under 2. verdenskrig blev stationen benyttet af Grossdeutscher Rundfunk til nazistiske propagandaudsendelser, og efter verdenskrigen nogle år af Voice of America. Das Programm wurde bis 1981 teils in Paris, teils in Luxemburg produziert. Race Horses are an indie/pop band from Aberystwyth, Wales.They started in 2005 as Radio Luxembourg.Its members were Meilyr Jones, Dylan Hughes, Gwion Llewelyn and Alun Gaffey.They split in … The English-language service of Radio Luxembourg began in 1933 and was one of the earliest commercial radio stations broadcasting popular music to Britain. Radio Luxembourg's changing environment led to the station being renamed "RTL" on 11 October 1966, less obviously mentioning its connection with Luxembourg (the acronym being short for Radio Télévision Luxembourg). During August of that year, the parent operating company of Radio Luxembourg conducted digital test broadcasts to the UK on 7145 kHz using DRM. Begun in 2005, it has broadcast in many languages in conjunction with a television service operated from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Vanaf 1931 werd een nieuwe poging gewaagd, met de oprichting van de Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Radiodiffusion en een nieuwe zendinstallatie met … môže byť: provincia Belgicka, pozri Luxembourg (provincia) kantón v Luxembursku, pozri Luxemburg (kantón) okres v Luxembursku, pozri Luxemburg (okres) obec v Luxembursku (v oblasti hlavného mesta), pozri Luxemburg (obec) miestny názov mesta Luxemburg, pozri Luxemburg (mesto) Luxembourg, as a multilingual country, has a range of media dedicated to each of the official languages: Luxembourgish, French, and German. It was an effective way to advertise products by circumventing British broadcasting restrictions that were in place at the time. Radio Luxembourg oli RTL Groupin mainosrahoitteinen radioasema, joka oli populaarimusiikin kärkinimi Euroopassa vuosina 1933 – 1992. List of radio stations in Luxembourg From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Luksemburg, zvanično Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg, jest država u Zapadnoj Evropi.Po državnom uređenju je parlamentarna monarhija na čelu sa velikim vojvodom Henrijem.Graniči sa Francuskom (dužina granice 73 km), Belgijom (148 km) i Njemačkom (138 km). Following the merger of the English-language service of Radio Luxembourg I with the new English-language service of Radio Luxembourg II on 208 metres medium wave, the station came to be known as Radio Luxembourg. On 14 January 1933 experimental broadcasts by Radio Luxembourg began at 1191 mètres (200 kW), an unauthorized wavelength, from the longwave transmitter at Junglinster. Quality Album Channel. This article about a radio station in Europe is a stub. The Best In Classic Rock! RTL Group, Radio Luxembourg's parent company, was an initial minority shareholder in the UK's Channel Five terrestrial analogue television channel, launched in 1997.RTL became the majority shareholder from 2006, when it had been re-branded as "Five". Whereas Luxembourg's English service was always centred on light entertainment and popular music, RTL France is a mixed station. Die stad is ook 'n internasionale finansiële sentrum. Radio Luxembourg - Radio 208, lades ned 29 december 1991 klockan 03.59.59, men återstartade sina sändningar 2007 dygnet runt med den nya digitala sändningstekniken DRM, på olika mellanvågsfrekvenser och på Internet.För att lyssna på Radio Luxembourg via etern idag behöver man en DRM-radiomottagare.Lokalt nära Luxemburg kan man även lyssna med en DAB-radiomottagare.
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