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NASA Goddard Space UNEP project. Opt not to print. Land use changes and GHG emissions from tropical forest conversion by oil palm plantations in Riau Province, ... vulnerability of livestock- and forest-based livelihoods to climate variability and change in Lake Faguibine, northern Mali, where drastic ecological, political and social changes have occurred. Some of the villagers pointed out that during the recent drought their animals had only been able to survive because of the fodder provided by Prosopis; others said that they had used the timber to make charcoal. These are Africa’s Lake Tanganyika and Lake Rukwa. Lake Faguibine in northern Mali is dry and has been since the 1970s. According to the Government of Mali, the security situation could also be greatly alleviated if the lake’s ecosystem were restored and development projects implemented in the region. 2014. All these factors combine to deprive Lake Faguibine of much needed water. In 1974, this lake covered roughly 590 square kilometers (230 square miles). Women have developed their own adaptive strategies based on newly emerged forest resources in the former lake area (e.g. Blue and brown. One example of increasing aridity in Mali appears in Lake Faguibine. Human Presence. It followed UNEP’s successful ecosystem rehabilitation of the Iraqi Marshlands, the world’s largest wetland ecosystems. ... increased evaporation and land-use changes – and of the benefits likely to accrue to close to some 200,000 mainly nomadic people living in and around the area. Landsat imagery is especially suitable for detecting ecosystem fragmentation and degradation and offers a resolution (level of detail) that is ideal for developing comprehensive land cover classification datasets, another way to detect land use change (Giri et al., 2013). January 3, 1974, & December 26, 1978 (Landsat 1 MSS) - January 3, 1974JPEG, January 3, 1974, & December 26, 1978 (Landsat 1 MSS)TIFF, March 17, 2005, & September 28, 2006 (Landsat 7 ETM+)JPEG, March 17, 2005, & September 28, 2006 (Landsat 7 ETM+)TIFF. Recognition of tenure rights has enabled women to participate more fully in community meetings, training, livelihood support projects, resource management planning and implementation. The women dry and rainy years for three types of pastoralists in the local agricultural association in Tin Aicha lost their former agricultural activities after Lake Faguibine dried out the transhumant and nomadic livestock herders use only and water was no longer available for irrigation, and they the natural Acacia forest, respectively, for 3 and 6 months. Lying at the end of a series of basins watered by the Niger River when it floods, Lake Faguibine has experienced widely fluctuating water levels since the turn of the twentieth century but, at its fullest, has ranked among the largest lakes in West Africa. Water on which they are built as the amount of water they use remains constant irrespective of dry or wet years. Image of the Day Lake level at Faguibine is less affected by local rainfall patterns. Flight Center. It is then harvested when the waters recede. UNEP project Water transport benefits to the local economy. He spotlighted Lake Faguibine, a spearhead-shaped body of water linked with seasonal flooding of the Niger, Africa’s third largest river. However, with additional funding from the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) of $5.23 million, UNEP is reviving the project to take into account the new situation. Our results show that the 4.3. At high water it reaches a length of about 50 miles (80 km). © UNEP Terms of Use Privacy Report a project concern. One of them made a rousing appeal to me that I will always remember. Image of the Day Lake Faguibine is part of a Niger River-fed lake system. charcoal production). One example of increasing aridity in Mali appears in Lake Faguibine. Event Coverage - Jul 2013. All these factors combine to deprive Lake Faguibine of much needed water. He turned out to be one of the foremost Touareg people of the region (from a 2008 diary entry by Jan Egeland, then UN Secretary-General's Special Adviser on conflict, and currently head of the Norwegian Refugee Council, quoted by IRIN). Two kinds of mobile livestock breeding systems are present: transhumant (a seasonal movement of people and livestock over relatively short distances) and nomadic (a migration of people and livestock over longer distances). 4.3 The Niger River With a length of 4200 km the Niger is the third longest river in Africa. By the late 1990s, the traditional livelihoods of fishing, agriculture, and livestock herding became impractical. Long and short. The region's prosperity evaporated along with the water. Africa: Atlas of Our Changing Environment. The reformulated project (around $40 million when fully funded) integrates the original scheme into a broader programmatic intervention led by the United Nations, and will address both infrastructure development and socioeconomic interventions, including improving livelihoods. In the Timbuktu region, around 72% of the land is used as pasture and the rest is reported as forested land use (DRPSIAP 2008). It quoted local engineer Mohamed Touré, as saying: “The soil around the lake is very fertile and spongy; the water can spread for 5km. An example is the drying of Lake Faguibine in northern Mali due to extended low precipitation, in which the ecological transformation caused communities to change from fishing and farming to harvesting forest products (Djoudi et al. We believe that Faguibine is highly responsive to both fluctuations in the water volume of the Niger River, reflecting precipitation falling on the rainforest zone, far up river, and also geomorphological processes. Deep and shallow. Since the mid 1990's, Lake Faguibine, once a major regional center of agriculture and aquaculture, has suffered a major drop in water levels. The once-great lake has lost most of its water and now spans less than a tenth of the area it covered in the 1960s. Even though normal rainfall resumed after the year 2000, the lake remained nearly dry. The connector is often blocked by moving sand dunes, making the lake floor useless as major local cropland. rebels attacked people in villages around Lake Faguibine, located to the northwest of Goundam, which were then abandoned and whose weekly markets were shut down. Although the region has a long history of rainfall variability, the trend in recent decades has been … Just 3.8 percent of the country’s land is arable, and increased use of natural resources combined with prolonged drought have nudged the country toward desertification, according to a report issued by the United Nations Environment Programme. The series of good floods from 1924 to 1930 and from 1951 to 1955 completely filled the lake. Land. Land use planning should be based the analysis on the value of ecosystem services instead of hotspots to make better conservation decisions. Land use change Land use change [CSD] Indicators methodology sheets The workshops have also developed indicator ... Lake Faguibine for their livelihoods Republic of Mali. These false-color Landsat satellite images of the lake show how it changed over the decades. The Lake Faguibine System, four interlinked lakes 80 km west of Timbuktu, was historically one of Mali's most fertile areas. For the Lake Faguibine System the determining factor is the hydrograph of the Niger River, especially the height and the duration of the flood peak. Salty and fresh. 23 ... Drought in Africa Lake Faguibine Lake Chad 34 35. Life. NASA image created by Jesse Allen, using Landsat data provided by the United States Geological Survey. Sand dunes block parts of the channels, thereby preventing the replenishment of the lake. Since the mid 1990’s, Lake Faguibine, once a major regional center of agriculture and aquaculture, has suffered a major drop in water levels. Figure 3.2: Image showing Lake Faguibine, Mali: A view through time with Landsat imagery. In December 2009 the World Food Programme reported on the success of a UNEP-supported food-for-work programme which opened up the water channels – for a while at least. Upstream, people use the water for large-scale irrigation and to produce hydropower. Plastic packaging accounts for 50 per cent of plastic waste. Image of the Day Simulated studies by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) found that urban consumers, who usually do not produce food, are likely to be hit hardest, as would rural households in countries where land was not equitably distributed. People are certain that if they only had reliable water sources they could again turn this parched region into Mali's bread basket. There is an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s surface, leading to wide spread impacts ranging from change in rainfall patterns to extinction of certain species. … (2008). This year [2009] it will be more than 20,000 hectares. ... Haiti, as well as changes in land use, loss of biodiversity and degradation of coastal areas throughout the region. Tricart et al. Image of the Day Livestock breeding is also associated with sedentary agropastoralism. As a result, many nomads lost access to food, which worsened the violence and led to the stealing of … Land United Nations efforts to date Today Faguibine is a dry Sahel lake, although it was probably a permanent water body ~16,000 years ago. Others said that the species had taken over land once used for cultivation and fisheries. (1960) noted that artificial regulation of the level of Lake Faguibine, Mali, was responsible for a small amount of eolian remobilization of dune sand. 41 Mid-1980s, maximum depth was around 8metres with 4.72km2 coverage Siltation caused by deforestation of as land use changes in the catchment areas may need to be taken into account. As the water subsides in the dry season, the floodplain vegetation provides green pasture for the millions of cattle, sheep, and goats. Lake Faguibine, the northernmost lake, in December after replenishing Lake Tele in August and Lake Takara in November.3 When the flood reaches its peak level, the lakes, pools, and channels enter a stage of recession as the waters return to the Niger River. So, dams built along the Niger are likely to have impacts on it. Lake Faguibine was a productive area for agriculture and fishing but the area experienced prolonged dry phases in the 20 th century and the lake had dried out by the end of the 1970s. The Niger River impact of the African atlas in Mali, where a project to restore the lost Lake Faguibine is now underway. Lake Faguibine encapsulates the challenges faced in many other parts of the world where ecosystems are coming under increasing pressure due to climate change, conflict and rapid population growth, among others. Farmers cultivate rice, mainly in the southern Delta. By mid-June 2009, the rare filling of this lake in Australia’s Simpson Desert appeared to have reached its peak. At the request of the Government of Mali, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is implementing a project to rehabilitate the Lake Faguibine ecosystem and is studying the Lake's ecosystem and looking at ways in which the management of land and the hydrological cycle could be improved. Two kinds of mobile livestock breeding systems are practiced: transhumant and nomadic. This means the farmers here don’t need tractors or fertilizer, they can simply plant a seed like a tree and the plant will just grow – this is true for thousands and thousands of hectares." Unfortunately, climate change has led to erratic rainfall patterns as well as the advance southward of the Sahara desert. On the bed of the old lakes they still have a lot of agriculture, but of course it's only a matter of time before it all dries up, and then it's the end for all the nomadic and pastoral societies in this area,said Egeland in his 2008 diary. Heat The top image is made from observations acquired on January 3, 1974, and December 26, 1978. One example of … Drought Made with a combination of visible and infrared light, the images show vegetation as red, water as blue, and bare ground in shades of beige and gray. United Nations Environment Programme. Image of the Day The bulk of the remaining 20% is associated with agriculture and changes in land use. It aimed to re-flood the lake’s 600 square kilometres in order to restore its vital ecosystems (fish catches were once estimated at 5,000 tons annually), boosting the livelihoods of local fishermen, reviving agriculture along the lakeside, and providing food to thousands of people as well as migratory waterbirds.
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