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Diffusez une vidéo en continu, partagez vos photos ou recopiez l’intégralité de l’écran de votre appareil. I am able to stream from apps to my television using the icon in the music controls with no problems, so thank you for that tip. Check that your AirPlay-compatible devices are on. For example, if you have an AirPort Express router at one end of your house and the Apple TV on the other side, poor Wi-Fi performance could certainly be a factor. 08:00 PM. Samsung a annoncé développer des partenariats avec de plus en plus de services dans les mois à venir. Any ideas? Your workaround works like a charm! You can learn more about how I make money here. Téléviseur Samsung TV compatible Airplay 2 au meilleur rapport qualité/prix ! Étape 1. A tip for coffee, as you put it, would not convey my gratitude. Now the question is what I can do for you? Published: Oct 6, 2020Jan 22, 2019 Instead of swiping down from the top right corner of my iPhone Xs to enable system-wide Screen Mirroring, I play the video on my mobile device and then use the music playback controls to only AirPlay the video and not the whole screen. While on my MacBook display the stream was smooth and of good quality. Le modèle de la télé est UE55NU7305. Cette nouvelle fonction est disponible sur certains modèles de 2018 et 2019. C’est un peu le problème en fait... suivant les utilisateurs, ou ça marche très bien tout le temps, ou ça ne marche pas du tout... et l’assistance pour l’instant c’est le vide sidéral. 07:56 PM While that doesn’t change my editorial integrity, it helps make this blog happen. I have also positioned one of the access points directly next to the Apple TV, and according to speed tests, I get close a gigabit per second throughput. 06-06-2019 While AirPlaying to my TV the quality was good but video/audio was often persistently choppy. For someone used to seeing films in screening rooms with impeccable projection, or auditoriums with huge screens, it’s been deeply discouraging to have to watch stuff on a computer screen. sur votre TV depuis un iPhone, un iPad ou un ordinateur Mac sans la contrainte des fils. If you are experiencing poor performance issues (slow response, blurry video, low latency or intermittent playback) with AirPlay or AirPlay Mirroring, here is what you can do to improve AirPlay Mirroring performance: Turn off Bluetooth on your iDevice (Settings > Bluetooth) while you … Now, thanks to you, all I do is touch an icon I would never have thought of touching and everything I need to see is suddenly available to be seen on my big screen. As the new function requires new Airplay 2 functionalities. I am guessing that you already tried the “fixes” offered by other bloggers, but none of them have worked. Using the share icon on videos does not work, they still don’t stream correctly. - modifié Ben moi ça a fonctionné. le You're signed out. I ordered an HDMI cable and then found this article. À sa décharge, c'est aussi le cas avec AirPlay. 26-07-2020 I’m still experiencing intermittent playback issues with videos mirrored from my iPhone and don’t know what’s causing it. Il n’y a pratiquement aucune différence. Samsung a annoncé ce 14 mai que plusieurs modèles de ses téléviseurs de 2018 et tous ceux de 2019 bénéficieront de l’application Apple TV et de la compatibilité AirPlay 2. Créé par Apple, AirPlay (littéralement "lire dans l'air") est un système qui permet de partager les contenus (vidéos, musiques, images) de son iPhone / iPod / iPad sur sa TV ou sa chaîne Hi-Fi. It’s similar to why my iMac randomly loses its Bluetooth connection to my wireless keyboard, mouse or trackpad. It doesn’t matter whether it’s ‘n’ or ‘ac’, key is to have both devices on the same. I can airplay music from my phone and any video from third-party apps with no problems, so I know it’s not a wifi issue. le Net my router 802.11.n and this cleared up the choppy streaming for me. My recommendation is first to ensure that your local network or outdated devices are not the cause for your issues. Ca ne fonctionne pas, j'ai vu avec le support et ça n'est toujours pas réglé. Or you can use iCloud Photo Library and then stream those videos directly from the Photos app on Apple TV. Usually the main cause of lag is a weak Wi-Fi signal, so you may be able to solve the problem if you can plug your Apple TV straight into your router using an Ethernet cable. If you like, you can buy me a coffee using this link: https://michaelkummer.com/buymecoffee, My AirPlay was working perfectly the first day I got my Apple TV. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Airplay 2 ne fonctionne pas sur ma smart TV, j'ai les paramètres mais impossible de pouvoir y accèder. L’arrivée d’Apple TV sur les produits Samsung est accompagnée par une compatibilité avec le protocole de diffusion sans fil AirPlay 2. The good news is that there is at least a workaround for streaming videos directly to your Apple TV as long as you don’t use Screen Mirroring. I have all the same settings etc, I’ve turned bluetooth off, screen lock off, sleep mode off, I even have it set to password protected incase something is randomly trying to connect. What I mean by that is that the playback is slow and jerky and the video intermittently stops every second or so. I have had AirPlay problems since Apple first released the protocol stack in September of 2010. 01:17 PM. Ainsi l'angle de vision, un des gros points faibles des cristaux liquides, est-il ici au niveau de celui des TV OLED. Is there a way of lessening the current lag time? Comme toujours avec les produits Apple, la mise en oeuvre d’AirPlay est d’une grande simplicité, rendant ainsi cette technologie accessible au plus grand nombre. Most likely it’s Apple’s crappy implementation of AirPlay :). I had a similar issue while streaming football on my MacBook, AirPlaying to my TV using “Use As Separate Display”. While I don’t have a permanent fix either, I can provide you with a workaround that enabled me to stream [email protected] videos from my iCloud Photo Library to my 4K Apple TV without lags or stuttering. If everything except AirPlay works fine, don’t keep spinning your wheels on finding a solution that maybe only Apple can provide. Tu peux utiliser AirPlay avec tous les téléviseurs Samsung équipés de Wlan à partir de 2018*. I watch football on my MacBook Air using a BT Sport login that plays perfectly on the MacBook screen. An error occurred. Attention, inutile de vouloir apprécier un jeu d'iPhone sur son téléviseur : la latence de l'application (comprise entre 1 et 3 secondes) rendrait le titre complètement injouable. Thanks! I am going to try hardwiring the new apple TV incase that is the cause, otherwise I am at a complete loss as to why airplay constantly drops on this new one. I’d been driving myself half-crazy tinkering with my wi-fi in the belief that it was responsible for the infernal stuttering. While I don’t have a permanent fix for you, I have found a reasonable workaround to stream videos from my iPhone to my 4K Apple TV stutter- and lag-free via AirPlay. This is a fairly new discovery with a project that was done with a USB power mod to AppleTV Gen3 while using an iPhone 6 Plus to run the Airplay Mirroring. Découvrez la marche à suivre si vous ne parvenez pas à diffuser du contenu avec AirPlay, à recopier l’écran de votre appareil iOS ou de votre Mac sur votre Apple TV ou Smart TV, ou si vous rencontrez un autre problème lié à AirPlay. Here is how you do it in a third-party video app: To AirPlay videos from the Photos app, tap on the Share icon first and then select AirPlay. Copyright© 1995-2021 Tous droits réservés. Try using a dual- or tri-band router that supports 2.4 and 5 GHz channels for better wireless performance. It’s very frustrating. Accéder à la solution. le Thanks for the feedback, you made my day and I’m glad my article was of help! Can I just use Paypal to send you a bit of cold cash? Si vous êtes l'un de ceux qui font face à des problèmes dans AirPlay, vous avez atterri absolument au bon endroit. Du côté de la source, iPhone ou autre, il ne faut pas oublier qu’elle doit être connectée au même réseau Wifi que le téléviseur. I’m the Wall Street Journal’s film critic and, thanks to the pandemic, a born-again critic of streaming content. Avec mon iPhone je n’ai pas le dernier iOS air play deux marche bien mon TV est connecté à Internet avec un câble Ethernet avec Liaison en CPL. ❤️, iMac randomly loses its Bluetooth connection, iMac Pro Review and Comparison to the 5K iMac [Upgrade Guide], Diet-to-Go Review – A Common Sense Approach to Healthy Eating, How Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Impact Your Health, Tech Newsletter #6: Why I decided NOT to install an Outdoor Wi-Fi access point, Healthy Living Newsletter #14: Why You Can’t Trust Food Labels, How Xenoestrogens Make You Infertile and Sick. Trouvez le vôtre et commencez à en profiter ! Open an app and play a video that you want to AirPlay to your Apple TV. 08-06-2019 When I googled for a solution, all I could find were mostly useless tips, such as: While any one of these tips could help to fix wireless LAN problems and thus improve wireless streaming via AirPlay, they didn’t help me. Cheers. If you have further information on why Screen Mirroring sucks so bad in comparison to streaming an individual video, please let me know by leaving a comment below. C’est pour ça que je ne les appelle plus.... bref, toujours pas de solution chez moi, le Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Apple has cleverly hidden AirPlay behind the sharing sheet, where I found it by accident one day. If you are having troubles streaming video content via AirPlay or Screen Mirroring from your iPhone, iPad, or Mac to your Apple TV, you are not alone! Make sure that your AirPlay-compatible device is near the device that you're trying to stream from. Résolu ! And that’s where I’ve been watching it–Netflix and Amazon releases excepted–because most distributors provide links that play erratically or not at all on my big, beautiful LG OLED display in the living room. Si vous avez utilisé AirPlay sur Apple TV auparavant, vous allez surement constater que le menu des réglages est similaire à celui du Samsung TV. Alternatively, you can launch Control Center by swiping down from the upper right corner of your iPhone and then use the Music Playback Controls to select an AirPlay-enabled device. I’m using a system called Xmirage to be able to mirror my windows desktop to my ipad screen. 05-06-2019 I’m a healthy living and technology enthusiast. Le modèle de la télé est UE55NU7305. For years since 2011 with my old iMac and Apple TV gen.3 I never had a problem. Tous ces changements profitent aux téléviseurs Samsung qui voient débarquer l’app Apple TV et AirPlay 2. Part 2 : Problèmes de mettre en miroir d'AirPlay. Je suis connecté au même réseau sur différent appareil apple mais pour choisir l'appareil sur lequel diffusé le contenu, ma télé n'apparait pas. The name change made sense considering that AirPlay not only covers streaming music but also photos and videos. 05-06-2019 The main reason why I didn’t try this trick earlier was due to the lack of the AirPlay icon. 08-06-2019 Michael, AirPlay lets you cast video and audio from your Apple devices to your Samsung smart TV using the Wi-Fi network. Please try again later. I’m hoping it’s a bug that Apple will patch for the next update. However, it appears as if Apple’s focus with AirPlay 2 was to enable multi-device and multi-room streaming only, which is a crucial differentiator for the HomePod. On this blog, I share in-depth product reviews, actionable information and solutions to complex problems in plain and easy-to-understand language. The videos that I recorded in 4K with 60 frames per second play fine on my iPhone, but as soon as I enable screen mirroring, they become unwatchable on the Apple TV. I really appreciate the feedback and I’m so glad my workarounds helped you do your job. Airplay 2 ne fonctionne pas sur ma smart TV, j'ai les paramètres mais impossible de pouvoir y accèder. Pour les smart TV 2019 et certains modèles 2018. 04:28 PM, Moi également avec mon iPad Pro 2017 je ne peux me connecter en AirPlay deux ça coupe immédiatement j’ai le dernier iOS. I also googled and tried all what you said without any success here’s a fix for playback lag, stuttering that may work for some of you: https://macmedicine.org/en/fix-airplay-mirroring-lag/, yeah that fix of yours doesnt work with wireless connection on mac. Sur Twitter, la branche britannique de LG annonce que ses téléviseurs connectés de 2018 auront AirPlay 2 et HomeKit d'ici à la fin de l'année. Si AirPlay ou la recopie d’écran ne fonctionne pas sur votre appareil. With iOS 11.4, Apple launched AirPlay 2, and I was hoping that would solve the slow performance I have experienced with the previous version. Restart all your devices, including the router.
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