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As Trade Commissioner Malmström stated: “The economic benefits of this agreement are clear. Informationen zu den Neuerungen bei der Bestimmung und … At the entry in force of this agreement, 90% of the tariffs on EU exports to Japan are removed. EU/JP/Annex 2-B/en 1 ANNEX 2-B LIST OF GOODS REFERRED TO IN ARTICLES 2.15 AND 2.171 Chapter Description of goods 25 Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement This trade agreement will further open the Japanese and European Union markets to each other’s goods and services while protecting standards that both regions wish to maintain. Seit 1. EU-Japan EPA page including factsheets, legal text, exporters' stories. Agreement in Principle - Guide for EU Suppliers on Government Procurement in Japan (September 2020), Ethiopia urgently needs to return to peace, EU-Turkey relations: the need to build bridges, Vaccinating the world: the EU is doing more than it gets credit for, Climate change, global response to COVID-19 discussed at 7th EU-Japan Development Dialogue, EU-Japan: Annual Joint Committee meeting reviews growing strategic partnership, Senior officials from the EU and Japan convened the third meeting of the EU-Japan Committee on 26 February 2021, which coordinates the implementation of the Strategic Partnership Agreement. Artikel "Merkblatt EU-Japan-EPA" Herunterladen (PDF, 104 KB, , Datei ist nicht barrierefrei) Feedback zu dieser Seite geben Wie gefällt Ihnen unsere Website You can find more information about HS code at and make enquiry to the Japan customs from English (en) Français (fr) Gaeilge (ga) Hrvatski (hr) Italiano (it) Latviešu valoda (lv) Lietuvių kalba (lt) Magyar (hu) Malti (mt) Nederlands (nl) ... "The EU-Japan EPA is one of the largest and most comprehensive economic agreements that either the EU or Japan have concluded so far. It will organise webinars and publish information packs, each of them composed of a factsheet and practical guide covering specific topics or sectors of the EPA. Visiting Japan last summer, International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox agreed with his counterparts to use the EU-Japan EPA as a basis for a new and stronger partnership. We appreciate your contribution. Link. (Other languages available ), EU-Japan trade agreement enters into force, First year of EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement shows growth in EU exports, The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement in 60 seconds, removes tariffs and other trade barriers and creates a platform to cooperate in order to prevent obstacles to trade; and. English(1) (2) List of exceptional measures (English) Korea Japan. Kommunikation. Wichtig dabei: das Anfangsdatum darf nicht vor dem Ausstellungsdatum liegen. In English, type the following text: “I cannot provide an additional explanation on the originating status of the product.” From 1 December 2019 the procedure is further simplified by inserting a predetermined code into the electronic import declaration on NACCS. EU-Japan EPA, the negotiations for which were concluded in December 2017. Two examples of Japan as a postmodern polity----- 5 4. I would like to export products from the EU to Japan. The EU-Japan EPA provides 25 TRQs for a number of EU products to be imported in Japan on a preferential basis. Die deutsche Zollverwaltung hat dazu ein umfassendes Merkblatt EU-Japan-EPA (anbei im Anhang) online gestellt, dessen Lektüre wir Betroffenen dringend empfehlen. Fachmeldung v. 18.12.2019. On 5 November, the INTA Committee of the European Parliament adopted its draft report on the conclusion of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and Japan. helps us shape global trade rules in line with our high standards and shared values, and; sends a powerful signal that two of the world's biggest economies reject protectionism. Japanese exporters should instead address their questions to JETRO, to the Japanese ministries or the Japanese mission in Brussels. Merkblatt EU-Japan-EPA – Version 6. The code used in the schedule is called HS2017 and it is the code used by the Japan customs. Die Europäische Union (EU) hat mit zahlreichen Ländern Abkommen abgeschlossen, in denen Zollbegünstigungen (Präferenzen) vereinbart wurden. Januar 2020 wird klargestellt, dass auch eine EzU für Mehrfach-sendungen nach der Ausfuhr ausgefertigt werden kann. 03/02/2020 - Page updated with links to pages on the DG TRADE website regarding the results of the first year of implementation of the EPA and meetings of various EU-Japan committees established under the EPA. Lehrreiches Wissensmaterial in Video- oder Audioformat. EU and Japan sign Economic Partnership Agreement. The deadline is 30 April. One year after the EU-Japan EPA: Where are we now? The EU-Japan EPA will enter into effect no later than March 29, 2019. Februar 2019 ist das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und Japan in Kraft getreten. Japan and the EU as natural partners----- 4 3. The Helpdesk will provide up-to-date information and will answer EPA-related queries. The EU-Japan strategic partnership is based on longstanding cooperation, shared values and principles such as democracy, the rule of law, human rights, good governance, multilateralism and open market economies. EPA Helpdesk Webinar 37: Forestry Products Import trade concessions are contained in the EPA for EU exporters of forest products to Japan. Kurse. The EU and Japan are two economic giants, together accounting for almost one third of the world’s total GDP and more than a fifth of world trade. EU-Japan trade in your town– exporting towns and cities around Europe. A survey for EU companies in Japan regarding the second year of the EU-Japan EPA implementation has been launched to learn from business operators about its impact. Business Exports Fashion Textiles. - Study on the impact of the EU-Japan EPA on the Leather Products Market in Japan (August 2020) Eine Beispielkonstellation in einer Lieferantenerklärung für eine zollrechtliche Neueinreihung (Herstellungskriterium) wäre wie folgt zu dokumentieren: JP (C1). Japan is one of the EU’s closest, like-minded partners. Delegation of the European Union to Japan. Related documents Details will be announced later. An historic economic partnership agreement between the EU and Japan is being signed in Tokyo this week, heralding a new era in trade relations. The EU-Japan EPA includes MFN provisions in both goods and services. - EU-Japan EPA Progress Report (1 February 2019-31 January 2020) Deshalb wurde auch das "Merkblatt EU-Japan-EPA" angepasst und insbesondere um Informationen über die Ausfertigung einer Erklärung zum Ursprung auf gesonderten Dokumenten, auf Handelspapieren eines anderen Unternehmens sowie bei der Rechnungsstellung in einem Drittland ergänzt Merkblatt EU-Japan-EPAPDF. The survey can be found here. Kinga MALINOWSKA. Haben Sie inhaltliche oder technische Fragen? The EU-Japan EPA is expected to boost trade in goods and services and will create many opportunities for EU SMEs: tariffs on more than 90% of Japan's imports from the EU will be eliminated at entry into force of the EPA. You can check the tariff of your specific export in the schedule but in order to check the right product information, you need to know the HS code of your product. Bevor Freihandelsabkommen in Anspruch genommen werden bitte immer erst prüfen, ob überhaupt im Zielstaat auf die jeweilige Ware Zoll anfällt und in welchem Umfang. How can I check the tariff rate under the EPA? Japan’s Current Status of EPA/FTA negotiations 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 :Preliminary discussions etc. The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement represents one-third of the World GDP. EU/JP/Annex 2-C/en 1 ANNEX 2-C MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS ARTICLE 1 Definitions 1. The EU and Japan's Economic Partnership Agreement entered into force on 1 February 2019. Enrico BRIVIO. Latest news on the EU-Japan EPA. These TRQs allow during a fiscal year, and for a limited volume (the aggregate quantity), a partial or total import duty suspension for the product concerned. This will affect a wide range of sectors covering agriculture and food products, industrial products (including textiles, clothing...), as well as forestry and fisheries. Studies show that the successful conclusion of an ambitious free trade agreement between EU and Japan could deliver a potential 32.7% increase in EU exports to Japan. Please note that the code used in the EU is CN code and it is not the same code as HS2017. Es werden fast alle gegenseitigen Zölle, sowie viele nichttarifäre Handelshemmnisse schrittweise aufgehoben. Es gibt keine Warenverkehrsbescheinigung EUR.1 für den präferenziellen Warenverkehr mit Japan. The EU and Japan are two economic giants, together accounting for almost one third of the world’s total GDP and more than a fifth of world trade. The Japanese tariff schedule under the EU-Japan EPA can be found at Concerning the export conditions (including tariff etc…) of Japanese products to the EU. Dieses weist Abweichungen gegenüber den Ursprungsprotokollen zu anderen Freihandelsabkommen auf, sodass die in Zoll online dargestellten Einzelheiten zum Präferenzrecht für das EU-Japan-EPA nur bedingt gelten. EU Delegation is not in a position to respond to such enquiries. Mail. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) On 8 December 2017, the negotiations were finalised.After the legal verification and translation processes, the European Commission can then submit the agreement for the approval of … Während der Arbeitsphase als „JEFTA“ bekannt, heißt das offizielle Abkommen … Die jeweilige Grundlage ist mit einer eigenen Codierung in der Zollanmeldung anzugeben. EU firms already export nearly €70bn in goods and €28bn in services to Japan every year. Merkblatt EU-Japan-EPA der deutschen Zollverwaltung Generaldirektion (GD) TAXUD zur Führung des Ursprungsnachweises : “ The following information is relevant for EU exporters making out Statements on Origin: Application in Japan of Article 3.16(3) of the EU-Japan EPA; Request for an explanation from the importer in Japan . Bevor Freihandelsabkommen in Anspruch genommen werden bitte immer erst prüfen, ob überhaupt im Zielstaat auf die jeweilige Ware Zoll anfällt und in welchem Umfang. If you are not sure about the HS code of your export, please enquire to the Japan Customs. Februar 2020 8 In der EU-Japan EPA Guidance “Statement on Origin for multiple shipments of identical prod-ucts” in der Version vom 31. UKFT update on the EU-Japan EPA 06/02/2019. Phone +32 2 295 61 72. Die deutsche Zollverwaltung hat dazu ein umfassendes Merkblatt EU-Japan-EPA (anbei im Anhang) online gestellt, dessen Lektüre wir Betroffenen dringend empfehlen. Small Japanese businesses can also find info on exporting to the EU, Get inspired by some of the small EU firms exporting to Japan. In the past European firms faced trade barriers when exporting to Japan, which sometimes made it hard for them to compete. EPA HELPDESK TO SUPPORT EU SMEsOn 17 July 2018, the European Union and Japan signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the biggest trade agreement ever negotiated by the EU that will create an open trade zone covering over 600 million people.
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