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The United States Department of State and the Government of Canada have warned foreign visitors that they may be subjected to robbery, kidnapping for a ransom or sale to terrorist organizations[237] and murder, and that their own diplomatic travelers are required to travel in armored vehicles. Almost 3% of the population follow another religion (1% of these people practice Santería).[2]. [116][117] Venezuela's economy had become strongly dependent on the exportation of oil, with crude accounting for 86% of exports,[118] and a high price per barrel to support social programs. However, in the late 19th century, artists began emphasizing historical and heroic representations of the country's struggle for independence. [76], In April 2002, Chávez was briefly ousted from power in the 2002 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt following popular demonstrations by his opponents,[77] but he returned to power after two days as a result of demonstrations by poor Chávez supporters in Caracas and actions by the military. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970, sfn error: no target: CITEREF"Georgia_Country_Study_Guide_Volume_1_Strategic_Information_and_Developments"2013 (, McBeth 2002, p. 17. In 1962 they tried to destabilize the military corps, with failed revolts in Carúpano and Puerto Cabello. Ignorance of the factors associated with relief has been one of the most important causes of natural disasters. [292], A drought, combined with a lack of planning and maintenance, has caused a hydroelectricity shortage. Coup leader Hugo Chávez was pardoned in March 1994 by president Rafael Caldera (1994–1999, his second time), with a clean slate and his political rights reinstated. [232] The capital Caracas has one of the greatest homicide rates of any large city in the world, with 122 homicides per 100,000 residents. The country's main lakes are Lake Maracaibo[180] -the largest in South America- open to the sea through the natural channel, but with fresh water, and Lake Valencia with its endorheic system. Chinese (400,000), Portuguese (254,000),[333] and Italian (200,000)[334] are the most spoken languages in Venezuela after the official language of Spanish. The Orinoco Delta, which forms a triangle covering Delta Amacuro, projects northeast into the Atlantic Ocean. The excesses and poor policies of the incumbent government led to the collapse of Venezuela's entire economy. This is a list of cities, towns and communities in Venezuela. EEUU denuncia incremento de violaciones a DDHH en Venezuela, En el país hay 19 presas políticas y 84% ha sido víctima de torturas y tratos crueles, Gobernador de Bolívar anuncia «cierre total» del estado para luchar contra la covid-19, Organización Clima 21 denuncia aparición de un brote sarampión en Bolívar, Colegio de Enfermeras de Bolívar denuncia que niegan vacuna a trabajadores sanitarios, Instalan laboratorio en Bolívar que permitirá hacer más de 300 pruebas de covid-19, 97% de los venezolanos no cuenta con una póliza de seguro para afrontar la covid-19, Bombardeo reptiloide, por Gregorio Salazar, Caudillos, gracias y desgracias, por Américo Martín, La mentira de las verdades, por Fernando Mires, Denuncian torturas contra el teniente Franklin Caldera en centro clandestino de la Dgcim, Autoridad Única de Salud de Bolívar: El carnaval nos mató, Foro Penal confirmó liberación del médico Leonard Hinojosa por la Dgcim, Tres años de abandono dejaron en ruinas el Pediátrico Menca de Leoni en Bolívar, Gobierno reporta récord de fallecido por covid-19 y 1.325 nuevos contagios, Colombia y Misión Internacional evalúan situación de desplazados por conflicto en Apure, Bonos que entregó Maduro este #10Abr apenas alcanzan para un kilo de carne y uno de queso, Elecciones en Suramérica probarán la democracia y mostrarán efectos de la pandemia, Nueva alianza opositora: Anuncios sin estrategia, poco claros y por debajo de la mesa. Others, such as Laureano Vallenilla Lanz and José Gil Fortoul, contributed to Venezuelan Positivism. [63] The military dictator Pérez Jiménez was forced out on 23 January 1958. [53] Between one-quarter and one-third of Venezuela's population was lost during these two decades of warfare (including perhaps one-half of the white population),[54] which by 1830, was estimated at about 800,000. [285][286] Under the economic policy of the Nicolás Maduro government, greater shortages occurred due to the Venezuelan government's policy of withholding United States dollars from importers with price controls. Venezuela is entirely located in the tropics over the Equator to around 12° N. Its climate varies from humid low-elevation plains, where average annual temperatures range as high as 35 °C (95.0 °F), to glaciers and highlands (the páramos) with an average yearly temperature of 8 °C (46.4 °F). "Venezuela: Does an increase in poverty signal threat to government? @GobJustoNoguera este #31Mar, al ser consultado en rueda de prensa sobre lo que circula por redes sociales sobre un supuesto ataque a un comando #DGCIM en #ElCallao. Regional crops included potatoes and ullucos. Although mainly focused on narrative writing, Venezuelan literature was advanced by poets such as Andrés Eloy Blanco and Fermín Toro. Most of Venezuela's gold held abroad was located in London. [229] In 2013, the homicide rate was approximately 79 per 100,000, one of the world's highest, having quadrupled in the past 15 years with over 200,000 people murdered. An audit of 56% of the vote showed no discrepancies,[94] and the Supreme Court of Venezuela ruled that under Venezuela's Constitution, Nicolás Maduro was the legitimate president and was invested as such by the Venezuelan National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional). Portuguese is spoken not only by the Portuguese community in Santa Elena de Uairén but also by much of the population due to its proximity to Brazil. Chávez was re-elected in December 2006 but suffered a significant defeat in 2007 with the narrow rejection of the 2007 Venezuelan constitutional referendum, which had offered two packages of constitutional reforms aimed at deepening the Bolivarian Revolution. Despite this, Maduro said "I will stop by hook or by crook the opposition coming to power, whatever the costs, in any way". Venezuela is a charter member of the UN, OAS, UNASUR, ALBA, Mercosur, LAIA and OEI. [65] The national private entrepreneurship increasingly had less space to grow and prosper. The most powerful man in the military junta (1948–1958) was Pérez Jiménez (though Chalbaud was its titular president) and was suspected of being behind the death in office of Chalbaud, who died in a bungled kidnapping in 1950. [233] In 2008, polls indicated that crime was the number one concern of voters. The core of granite and Cordillera is, to a large extent, flanked by sedimentary layers from the Cretaceous, folded in an anticline structure. [citation needed], The Central Range runs parallel to the coast and includes the hills surrounding Caracas; the Eastern Range, separated from the Central Range by the Gulf of Cariaco, covers all of Sucre and northern Monagas. La empresa Enel informó que desde hoy, martes 9 de marzo, habrá corte de luz en varios distritos de Lima y Callao, suspensión que se prolongará hasta el domingo, 14 de marzo. In 1975 the iron industry was nationalized and the following year the oil industry, creating Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). In 1960, with a newly installed democratic government, Hydrocarbons Minister Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso led the creation of OPEC, the consortium of oil-producing countries aiming to support the price of oil.[308]. The Finance Minister failed to convince Pérez Jiménez to order the cancellation of debts. [113] In the 2015 Venezuelan parliamentary election, the opposition gained a majority. The territory of Venezuela was colonized by Spain in 1522 amid resistance from indigenous peoples. • Gillespie, Patrick (12 April 2016). After World War II, immigration from Southern Europe (mainly from Spain, Italy, Portugal, and France) and poorer Latin American countries markedly diversified Venezuelan society. En 1926, se creó la Federación de Venezolana de Fútbol para participar en competencias internacionales. Slavery in Venezuela was abolished in 1854. The literacy rate of the adult population was already at 91.1% by 1998. — Pableysa Ostos (@PableOstos) March 31, 2021. Tourism has been developed considerably in recent decades, particularly because of its favorable geographical position, the variety of landscapes, the richness of plant and wildlife, the artistic expressions and the privileged tropical climate of the country, which affords each region (especially the beaches) throughout the year. The COPRE operated as an innovation mechanism, also by incorporating issues into the political agenda that were generally excluded from public deliberation by the main actors of the Venezuelan democratic system. Venezuela is among the most urbanized countries in Latin America;[14][15] the vast majority of Venezuelans live in the cities of the north and in the capital. [citation needed] A month later, President Maduro announced the 2017 Venezuelan Constituent Assembly election and on 30 August 2017, the 2017 Constituent National Assembly was elected into office and quickly stripped the National Assembly of its powers. Venezuela is further subdivided into 335 municipalities (municipios); these are subdivided into over one thousand parishes (parroquias). ", "In shortages-hit Venezuela, lining up becomes a profession", Venezuela Announces Daily 4-Hour Power Cuts Amid Drought : The Two-Way, Venezuela Cuts Public Employees' Workweek To 2 Days To Save Energy : The Two-Way, "Venezuela: 75% of population lost 19 pounds amid crisis", "Exclusive: Harrowing Video Shows Starving Venezuelans Eating Garbage, Looting", "As hunger mounts, Venezuelans turn to trash for food", "Mangoes fill the gaps in Venezuela's food crisis", "Dire Measures to Combat Hunger in Venezuela", "FOTOS: Escasez de gasolina se agudiza en Barquisimeto", "Political risks focus attention on supply of Venezuelan oil to the United States", Venezuela oil reserves topped Saudis in 2010:OPEC, "What the future for extra heavy oil and bitumen: the Orinoco case", "Venezuela 2001–2004: actores y estrategias", "China Railway Group's project in Venezuela hits snag", "Coastal and Marine Ecosystems—Venezuela", "Cuadro Magnitud y Estructura Demográfica", "Venezuela agobiada por la fuga masiva de cerebros", "El 90% de los venezolanos que se van tienen formación universitaria", "Poblaciones Indígenas en aumento según censo poblacional 2011", "O impacto das migrações na constituição genética de populações latino-americanas", "Facts About Venezuela for Spanish Students", "Secret Canaries: Explore these warm volcanic islands all year round", "Tale of Two Travellers: The two sides of the Canaries", "Latin American Immigration to Southern Europe", "Latin America Offers 'New World' to East Europe Emigrants", "What Languages Are Spoken in Venezuela? “De relleno de las imprentas y archivos de texto. The number of members is variable – each state and the Capital district elect three representatives plus the result of dividing the state population by 1.1% of the total population of the country. The new democratic order had its antagonists. [367] According to Claudio Bifano, president of the Venezuelan Academy of Physical, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, more than half of all medical graduates had left Venezuela in 2013. Most observers describe Venezuela in terms of four fairly well defined topographical regions: the Maracaibo lowlands in the northwest, the northern mountains extending in a broad east–west arc from the Colombian border along the northern Caribbean coast, the wide plains in central Venezuela, and the Guiana Highlands in the southeast. They include xeric scrublands in the extreme northwest and coastal mangrove forests in the northeast. Callao - 9:00 am a 6:00 pm PROVIV BAHIA BLANCA MZ A, ASOC SAN VALENTIN 1 ETP MZ E, AV 200 MILLAS MZ A, PROVIV RESD DUEÑAS MZ E. San Juan de Lurigancho - 9:30 am a 2:30 pm [327][328] This was especially true post-World War II, as a consequence of war-ridden Europe.
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