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Generating Your Amazon Affiliate Link. v der Teilnahmebedingungen) Sollte man es dennoch machen und Amazon das herausfinden, dann besteht das Risiko, aus dem Partnerprogramm zu fliegen. Includes Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Sweden, and United States. EasyAzon’s geo-targeting feature is only available in the pro version. Wenn du dir einen langen Link nicht merken kannst oder du wissen willst, wie oft er aufgerufen wird, dann kannst du short1.link nehmen :) Dieser Dienst ist komplett kostenlos und gibt dir eine kurze URL, die du dir merken kannst und dir eine schöne Statistik ber die Aufrufe gibt. In fact, it supports more locales than the Amazon OneLink itself(14)! Affiliate marketing is een handige manier om wat extra inkomen te verdienen als je een blog of website hebt. ‘I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you so much for this eBook! In simple words, an Amazon Affiliate website is any website or web page that posts links of Amazon products on their web page that the customers can use to buy the respective product. AAWP is the most famous Amazon affiliate plugin that has earned the trust of many affiliate marketers. mithilfe von Affiliate-Marketing und Websites. It's easy to advertise Amazon products by building links and banners. Bei jedem Partnerprogramm gibt es eigene Regeln und Bedingungen. Entfernt man diese Kennung, ist es kein Affiliate-Link mehr. If you are looking for a way to increase your blog’s income Amazon affiliate links could be the answer. An Amazon Affiliate is a person who makes sales commission from Amazon products. The Amazon affiliate link localizer tools and plugins are no different. You can create a link easily to do that from what is called the “Associates Site Stripe.” When you visit a page of products on Amazon and login using your Amazon Associate’s account, a stripe appears at the top of the page. Learn to Rule. Ich habe eine solche Umleitung einmal mit einem Partnerprogramm für ein Webhosting genutzt. Vitali arbeitet seit 2007 als selbständiger Internet-Marketer. Bei manchen Partnerprogrammen wird deutlich darauf hingewiesen, dass der Partner-Link nicht verändert werden darf! Since Mexicans share the same language, you’ll probably get some audience from Mexico. Thats how i can help you. Diese Möglichkeit, um einen Affiliate-Link zu kürzen, nutze ich heute bei über 80 % meiner maskierten Links. How to Add Amazon Affiliate Links to a Blog Post. Wer einen solchen Link sieht, weiß oft bereits, dass es ein Affiliate-Link ist. Amazon link engine is another Amazon affiliate link localizer plugin that is powered by the Genius Link mechanism. 11. Don't try to hide or disguise Amazon affiliate links as something else and always use unmasked URLs. Dennoch kennzeichne ich die Links als Werbung mit einem Sternchen, was auch du tun solltest. Die gesamte Kampagne hat mir mehrere tausend Euro Einnahmen in einem Zeitraum von über zwei Jahren eingebracht und damit die Nutzung einer solchen Umleitung sehr rentabel gemacht. 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Aside from that, Amazon OneLink has many more advanced features dedicated to link localization. Add Amazon affiliate link to YouTube and earn money when someone buys something on Amazon from your link. Get 34 amazon affiliate WordPress plugins on CodeCanyon. With affiliate link management plugin like Pretty Links Pro, you can organize, find, and replace link across your website in an instant. You then just click on the “Short Link to This Page” and you get your code there. Aus diesem Grund sollte man als Affiliate in jedem Fall wissen, wie man seine Affiliate-Links entsprechend in eine kürzere Version umwandeln kann. Eine solche Kennzeichnung schafft nicht nur Transparenz, sondern ist auch notwendig, um die Kennzeichnungspflicht für Werbung zu erfüllen. They pay you a commission when you direct someone to Amazon and a purchase (or purchases are made). These include stores in the US, UK, Canada, Japan, Spain, Germany, France, Mexico, China, Italy, India, Brazil, and Australia. Here are our handpicked tools and plugins that will help you monetize your international traffic: Every tool comes with specific features and functionalities. Under the option ‘Text and Image’, the link shows a small product box with a product picture and a call-to-action button in your front end. Ich maskiere viele meiner Affiliate-Links, weil diese danach kürzer sind und nicht manipuliert werden können. Thanks. 4 Möglichkeiten, um Affiliate-Links zu maskieren oder zu kürzen, Möglichkeit 2: Umleitung auf Website einrichten, diesen Artikel zum Thema Affiliate-Links kennzeichnen. But OneLink does have some downsides too. As a result, you won’t get paid for a deal you made in the wrong Amazon store. To start using this tool, simply find the product you like a lot on Amazon.For the purpose of this tutorial we are going to use this link to Amazon. Warum kürzen? To use this tool, you need to install the OneLink JavaScript on your website. WPManageNinja is a limited liability company (LLC). Bei vielen Webhostern besteht die Möglichkeit, dass man eine ganze Domain auf eine beliebige Web-Adresse umleiten kann. Copy this link, including all the parameters, into the Website field. Whats new: v1.5.6 - Get approved for an American Express card and get $250 back after spending $100 in your first 3 months. We created Amazon Affiliate Link Generator to make it easier for you to create affiliate links to your favourite products on Amazon. Log in to Associates Central, peruse the left navigation sidebar for Build-A-Link, then under Static Links, click on Individual Items and drag to … Business & Economy Website. Besides, it allows you to select your desired IP tracking service from 3 different services. Our aim is simple - for AmALfi to be the best, easiest to use, most flexible Amazon™ affiliate link creator available. So, $2,411.86 from the main tracking id on this site. Don’t assume that a link to Amazon or a “buy it here” button is an implied affiliate link. Die Kennzeichnungspflichtig von Werbung muss erfüllt sein – es ist kein Spaß! Amazon allows you to localize your Amazon affiliate links with Amazon OneLink. Click on the HTML tab and insert the Amazon affiliate link where you want it to appear on your page. AAWP, as an Amazon affiliate link localizer, does not utilize Amazon OneLink. Amazon also provides many tools for easily generating affiliate links for their products and even offers link shortening. Amazon affiliate users simply place links to Amazon products on their site, and when a customer makes a purchase via one of their links, the user receives a commission. In this article, we’ll also explain what it means and how it can benefit you. We publish affiliate marketing tips quite often. Affiliate marketing, Blogging, Blogging tips; 1 Comment; by Una; Some of the links in this post are affiliate links.This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. He is a web explorer interested in WordPress, Technology, Law, and Health and he loves to write well-researched articles. So verbietet bspw. Man benötigt dazu die FTP-Zugangsdaten für die Website, denn man muss einen Ordner und eine Datei auf dem Webspeicherplatz erstellen. Als Affiliate steht man oft vor dem Problem, dass ein Affiliate-Link sehr lang ist. AAWP is the most advanced plugin for conversation optimization and affiliate linking features. Dieser hat eine optimale Länge und auch sollte keiner Angst haben, auf diesen Link zu klicken. Sofort wird ein neuer und kurzer Link in der Form amzn.to/xyz angezeigt. A $2 cost for a thousand clicks on a purchase link isn’t that bad, right? Check out my eBook, How to Make Money as an Amazon Affiliate. Amazon wants their affiliate links where they can see them. However, I have a couple of tracking ids set up in my Amazon Affiliate account. The downside is that these IP tracking services are free, and they might not be very accurate. Remember that links should always be disclosed when you are marketing with affiliate links. When you add these links and banners to your web page and visitors click on them from your page, you can earn up to 10% on all purchases made during their shopping session. These links can be posted either on your website or blog and depending on the number of customers that click your link and purchase the product; Amazon decides to pay you a fixed component in the form of commission. 3. When you add these links and banners to your web page and visitors click on them from your page, you can earn up to 10% on all purchases made during their shopping session. They can link to your existing Amazon account so you don’t have to jump through hoops or remember which account to log into, etc. Although they have one of the top affiliate programs, their affiliate program is limited to only thirteen countries. Although the plugin has lost some popularity in recent times, it’s still an excellent Amazon affiliate plugin. How To Link To Amazon Product To Get Affiliate Commission. Even saying something as simple as “This is an affiliate link” before you place the link can suffice. After saving the changes, you will see the product picture (same as) shown in the preview. Amazon OneLink works like a charm when your audience can’t find the exact product in their locale. Their cookie is 24-hour. However, the price is only a small percentage of your earning, considering how it can boost your income! Unlike links from other affiliate programs, Amazon links don’t look suspicious and customers trust it enough to click on them without a second thought. I thought I had read somewhere in another thread that you could join both UK and US amazon affiliate programmes and your accounts could be linked so that when someone clicked on one of your links they would just be taken to their nearest amazon location and you would be paid for the commission. Sollte man seine langen Amazon-Links kürzen wollen, bietet Amazon für diesen Zweck einen eigenen Dienst an. How Do I Build Affiliate Links to Amazon? The Amazon Affiliate Link Globalizer is a free plugin for WordPress which can be found by going to Plugins, Add New and searching for the Amazon globalizer plugin on the WordPress dashboard. Ruft jemand die Domain später auf, wird diese Person zu der Zieladresse umgeleitet. Aside from Amazon OneLink, several other plugins also give you that functionality. Therefore, you may want to monetize your blog through some affiliate links once you have earned some popularity as a blogger. If it does find Amazon links it will set the rel attribute to nofollow and set the link target to _blank so that it opens in a new tab. It is one of the most reliable Amazon affiliate plugins that offer some excellent conversation optimized features such as product boxes and customized CTA buttons. The Amazon Affiliate Link Globalizer is a free plugin for WordPress which can be found by going to Plugins, Add New and searching for the Amazon globalizer plugin on the WordPress dashboard. It will also grab any links that contain “amzn.to” incase you already setup some affiliate links. You are not allowed to share your affiliate links in closed Facebook groups, on personal Facebook profiles, your newsletter, ebook or even a PDF you give away for free to your readers. Why Should You Use Multiple Payment Gateways on Your Website? Missing out on your deserved affiliate revenue can be frustrating when you are getting some audience from other countries. Like Site Stripe, But Better AmALfi essentially does what the Site Stripe does in Amazon™ Associates Central BUT directly on your phone or tablet - meaning you can create and share links directly on your phone, while out and about! If you are looking to do ads, you will need to link to a page that promotes your link to market the links indirectly. It’s a tool that will enable you to use a global link instead of using separate links for each Amazon locale. Amazon Fire Tablet Devices, Amazon Kindle Devices, Amazon Fashion Women's, Men's & Kids Private Label, Luxury Stores Fashion, Apparel, Amazon Cloud Cam Devices, Fire TV Edition Smart TVs, Amazon Fire TV Devices, Amazon Echo Devices, Ring Devices, Watches, Jewelry, Luggage, Shoes, and Handbags & Accessories: 4.00% This can mean that you need to sign up for the different Amazon stores depending on your traffic. Both methods are simple to access. Wenn im Hauptverzeichnis deiner Website diese Datei nicht existiert, lege sie neu an und achte darauf, dass im Namen der Datei am Anfang ein Punkt steht. Our competitive conversion rates help maximize earnings. Getting traffic from any country is good news. Create Your Amazon Build-A-Link Bookmark and Link . Ein bekanntes Partnerprogramm, bei dem man keinesfalls die Links maskieren sollte, ist das von Amazon. So you have to spend a few bucks on it. Es gibt eine Reihe von Möglichkeiten, die eigenen Affiliate-Links für Amazon zu erstellen und in den eigenen Texten unterzubringen. Do Not Use Link Shorteners to Hide Links. Die „Entschärfung“ des Links ist also sehr einfach. Provide consumers the convenience of referring them to a trusted site where they can immediately purchase products you advertise. Du trägst deinen Partner-Link in ein Eingabefeld ein und klickst auf die Erstellen-Schaltfläche. By becoming an Amazon Affiliate, you will be assigned an identifying ” Tracking ID. Dieser Post beschreibt, wie du deine Amazon Affiliate Links schneller erstellen kannst und sie noch dazu wesentlich lesbarer machst. It will automatically turn your amazon affiliate links into global links. Mobile. The plugin utilizes Genius Link’s five-step algorithm to find the most relevant product even when there is no exact match product. This makes your job of promoting affiliate products much easier. Here is a typical disclosure that an Amazon affiliate would use … [Insert your name] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon… No surprise, AzonPress is a premium plugin. Sort by. However, none of the Amazon stores are interconnected. Honestly, right now things are a little sketchy and it does not seem like all the bugs are worked out between the www and smile subdomain. Einen großen Teil seines Internet-Einkommens generiert er heute mithilfe von Affiliate-Marketing und Websites. Another option to ensure compliance, not only with link cloaking but also with including an affiliate disclaimer (discussed next), is to use a “Choice Page” – an optimized landing page that is built to ensure Amazon compliance and encourage interested consumers to buy. bitly.com und fügt dort oben rechts den langen Amazon Link ein. In die .htaccess -Datei kannst du gleich am Anfang die entsprechenden Umleitung einrichten, zum Beispiel: Achte auf die Leerzeichen zwischen den Anweisungen. Sharing an Amazon affiliate link on social media should include a mention of “Amazon” nearby. Also, follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #1: Add an Amazon Affiliate Link to Your Bio In addition to geo-targeting, EasyAzon allows you to create custom CTA buttons, image affiliate links, product boxes that can significantly boost affiliate revenue, etc. Schauen wir uns alle diese Möglichkeiten einmal im Detail an. Welcome to one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the world. Amazon affiliate link. Der Interessent wird über den versteckten Affiliate-Link auf die Zielseite geführt. Amazon Affiliates has been a critical driver of our commerce initiatives and has enabled BuzzFeed to build a business that first and foremost services our audience. report. Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program that allows website owners and bloggers to create links and earn referral fees when customers click through and buy products from Amazon.com. It is a privilege for affiliate marketers that there are tools and plugins like the ones above. Don’t assume readers know what’s an affiliate link. A high quality watch with swiss designer dial from house of Swisstyle. So without further ado, let’s get straight into the topic. It sends visitors to a close match product or the original store for an international order. Entsprechende Informationen und Zugangsdaten findest du bei deinem Webhoster. Folgende kostenlose Dienste kannst du dafür nutzen: Der gekürzte Link ist in der Regel unbegrenzt lange gültig, dennoch sollte man seine gekürzten Links regelmäßig überprüfen, denn es kommt häufig vor, dass URL-Shortener den Dienst schließen, so wie es einst mit dem URL-Shortener von Google passiert ist. Diese Möglichkeit der Umleitung funktioniert sehr ähnlich wie die von oben mit den Ordnern, mit dem Unterschied, dass wir die Ordner und die Datei index.php nicht erstellen müssen. It ensures that only the right affiliate products that are available will be displayed on your website. We will only send you product updates and tips. The first step is to generate your Amazon Affiliate link. An der fett markierten Partner-ID kann man, wenn man sich auskennt, erkennen, dass es sich um e… Reason: forgot to check notify me option when replied lizluvleigh (@lizluvleigh) 2 years, 8 months ago. My amazon affiliate links will not work on my blog. That was all for today. But you should know: Blogging and affiliate marketing is not for overnight success, but you can earn a good income with a combo of these two with time and planning. Setting up an Amazon affiliate account is actually pretty easy. With that being said, we urge you to have an Amazon affiliate link localizer plugin if you didn’t have one before. Amazon has businesses all around the world. However, since Geo-targeting Pro doesn’t have the essential features for Amazon affiliate marketing, it might not be a wise option. Die Maskierung funktioniert ganz einfach: Bei der Maskierung oder Kürzung eines Affiliate-Links findet eine einfache Umleitung von einer Web-Adresse (URL) zu einer anderen statt. However, if your only goal is geo-targeting, choosing a different tool would be wiser. This is not about them. 23 comments. Under user behavior – Amazon affiliate link tracking can also help you understand how users interact with your website, which links they click, which products they prefer, and more. With features such as product tables, comparison tables, bestseller lists, and virtually unlimited options to customize things, the plugin can boost your sales by 200%! Step 1. That’s it. And that’s why we want to introduce you to some of the best Amazon affiliate link localizer plugins and tools. It's easy to advertise Amazon products by building links and banners. There are two main fields in this tool: Amazon Link URL and Affiliate Tag. For example, you might add Amazon affiliate links – a link with your specific reference number to track that you drove traffic to Amazon’s website – on your blog or your own online store that direct traffic to Amazon. Möchte man jedoch einen gekürzten Link für viele Jahre aktiv nutzen, sollte man besser zu einer anderen Möglichkeit zum Kürzen greifen. Once you’ve signed up and created your account, sign in. 56 likes. Promote your pins in different group boards and ask your friends and followers to repin your posted content to get more traffic on your pins. Wie funktioniert das Maskieren oder Kürzen von Affiliate-Links? This means you cannot hide your affiliate links behind a subscription wall or a log in button. Once you’ve entered the link, you won’t have to do anything else. China is supported for the category unit type. AmaLinks Pro is another fantastic amazon affiliate WordPress plugin that utilizes multiple Amazon affiliate link localizing methods. Der Nachteil ist, dass du für jede Umleitung eine neue Domain benötigst, was bei vielen Umleitungen sehr kostspielig sein kann. Amazon helps you build links to Amazon.com and amazonsupply.com with a range of tools. Use the Amazon Associates SiteStripe to create a text link that includes your Associate ID or Tracking ID. You just need to provide a separate tracking ID for each of your affiliate accounts, and then the plugin will redirect users to their native amazon store using free third party IP tracking services.
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