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333 talking about this. Interview about the liberation of the woman, Die Bedeutung des antifaschistischen Kampfes, International action week from 1 to 8 November 2020, Revolución y cooperativas: reflexiones sobre mi estancia en el comité económico en Rojava, Der Zusammenhang zwischen Kapitalismus und Ökologie, The connection between capitalism and ecology, Revolution and Cooperatives: Thoughts about my time with the economic committee in Rojava, MRGA Volunteers Help With Coriander Harvest (Video), The Mental Revolution inside the İmralı System of Torture and Isolation, Knowing our history means being able to continue the struggles, Understanding structural problems in the Middle East’s historical development. 22/02 We passed the night with a family of Kobane. To freedom seeking women and people of the world, to all internationalists, to democratic and revolutionary forces everywhere: Kongra Star and the women of North and East Syria call out to you to stand with us and take action in defence of our land and worldwide revolutionary values. Überprüfen Sie die Übersetzungen von 'Rojava' ins Deutsch. As women of North and East Syria we are determined to defend our land and the gains of the revolution. That’s why he strived to take it down. We as revolutionaries, as internationalists decided to support the militia of Rojava, in the hope to … Auf einem Transparent, das die Gruppe vor die Zufahrtsstraße spannte, war zu lesen: „Keine Kooperation mit der Türkei“. We salute all the actions and demonstrations happening in solidarity with Rojava and send our warmest greeting to those who are supporting the campaigns of #RiseUp4Rojava and #WomenDefendRojava. Rojava - Wikipedia. Mit der (nicht nur) gegen Kurdinnen und Kurden gerichteten, völkerrechtswidrigen Invasion der türkischen Armee in Nordsyrien scheint eine Befriedung der Region in weite Ferne gerückt. 19 März: Globaler Klima-Aktionstag. Kampagne … today is the day to defend the people of rojava! Serekaniye was a pillar city of the revolution, a fact that Erdogan was aware of. 2021 ... Ezid*innen sowie der Kampf gegen geschlechterbasierte Gewalt ist aus dieser Perspektive betrachtet von existenzieller Bedeutung.» ... Women Defend Rojava: We see the massive uprisings happening in Middle East, such as in Lebanon or Iraq, in Sudan and Egypt, and other peoples in Africa looking for alternatives to the nation-state model that colonial powers imposed on them. We see the resistance movements of India, Philippines, Indonesia, and we stand with all revolutionaries who fight to bring all oppression to an end. For all of this, we call to defend this revolution, and to make it a cradle for a global democratic modernity. Es wurden umfangreiche Untersuchungen zu den Auswirkungen der modernen Kriegsführung auf Frauen und Kinder durchgeführt. The Turkish state is threatening to spread that violence by invading the rest of North and East Syria. Für die Vertreter*innen der »Women Defend Rojava« ist klar: Die Türkei missachtet mit dem Angriff bewusst den Willen der Bevölkerung in Rojava. Empowered by the imperialist powers, specifically Russia, the US, and several EU/NATO countries, Turkey embarked on a barbaric campaign aimed at stopping revolutionary momentum in Rojava, and continuing its colonial campaign against Kurdish liberation. We raise the flag of the commune, the democracy of local councils and popular assemblies. Join actions on the 6-7 of september in all the different colours of women’s organising, anti-patriarchal struggle, and gender liberation by shouting out: Women Defend Rojava! We will co-ordinate with other campaigns like Rise Up 4 Rojava. Eine Internationalistin der Women Defend Rojava Kampagne berichtet über die Lage in Nord- und Ostsyrien nach 24 Tagen Krieg. We will put the many colours of gender liberation at the front of collective struggle. We call on all Kurdish people and people in solidarity with the Kurdish struggle to protest and condemn this genocidal … Die Bedeutung alternativer gesellschaftlicher Projekte jenseits von Staat und Nation ist vor dem Hintergrund sozialer, ökologischer und ökonomischer Konflikte weltweit höher denn je. To all democratic forces: Defend the Democratic Federation of North-Eastern Syria! International solidarity with Rojava against the occupation of the fascist Turkish state and the imperialist powers. Serekaniye is an important city in the history of the Rojava revolution, in 2012-2013 people repelled the attacks of FSA and Al-Nusra and since then the people of Serekaniye always defended the revolution. On Saturday night women from the SKB - Socialist Womens Union London spoke out about the women’s Rojava revolution to an audience of hundreds of women out on the streets to mark international day for … On 2nd November a global day of resistance for Rojava brought thousands of people out onto the streets in dozens of cities around the world. We see the uprisings in South America, with big mobilisations happening in Chile, the new ‘caracoles’ declared by the EZLN in Chiapas, and the resistance in Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and Argentina. It is our task to defend the resistance, to make it public, to continue fighting, as all of you do, over here and there. Am 17. Insbesondere Rojava, die von Pluralismus, Ökologie und Gendergerechtigkeit geprägte Region im Norden Syriens, galt als gelebte Vision eines basisdemokratischen Modells. Take direct action against the fascist threats. ... an die Konferenz “Die Frauenrevolution in Rojava und ihre Bedeutung im Kontext des globalen Feminismus”. Together, Posts about Defend PDX written by enough14. ... (including the Kandil Mountains) and in Shengal. Kurdish news search engine offering news in 11 languages incl. Interview about the liberation of the woman, Die Bedeutung des antifaschistischen Kampfes, International action week from 1 to 8 November 2020, Revolución y cooperativas: reflexiones sobre mi estancia en el comité económico en Rojava, Der Zusammenhang zwischen Kapitalismus und Ökologie, The connection between capitalism and ecology, Revolution and Cooperatives: Thoughts about my time with the economic committee in Rojava, MRGA Volunteers Help With Coriander Harvest (Video), The Mental Revolution inside the İmralı System of Torture and Isolation, Knowing our history means being able to continue the struggles, Understanding structural problems in the Middle East’s historical development. We see the Catalan people resisting against the attacks of the Spanish state. For the people of Northern Syria, currently resisting an invasion by the Turkish army and its jihadist proxies, the joy and hope that these demonstrations brought is amongst the greatest gifts one could hope for. When you make a revolution against patriarchy, the nation-state and capitalism, of course you can’t rely on other states to support you. Together and with the solidarity of people all over the world we defeated ISIS. You are invited to view or upload audios to the Community collection. Together with the campaigns Rise Up 4 Rojava and Women Defend Rojava, we call for two international days of action on the 18 th and 19 th of July 2020, against the bombing and invasion of Basûr (Southern Kurdistan, Iraq) and the occupation of Rojava regions by the Turkish army. Ezidisches Shengal verteidigen. Schauen Sie sich Beispiele für Rojava-Übersetzungen in Sätzen an, hören Sie sich die Aussprache an und lernen Sie die Grammatik. Juli ist der 8. ... Beginnen wir mit der Pariser Commune als historischem Ereignis. Gesellschaftsvertrag von Rojava; Der türkische Faschismus. For this reason the highest priority for us became to Defend Rojava, to defend what was achieved so far. 1.1 Historische Einordnung der Rolle von Frauen und Kindern in Kriegen. Originally published by We Defend Rojava Facebook page. Diese fand vor einigen Tagen, organisiert vom UCL Department of Social Sciences des IOE, in London statt. Now, in unity we will defend Rojava. They shared everything with us. We share one struggle with the Kurdish, Arabic, Assyrian-syriac, Turkmen and a huge diversity of people against patriarchy, the state system and capitalism. The resistance continues, as does the revolution, and today more than ever we need solidarity and support. Continue reading Anarchists in #Rojava Announce #IRPGF SITUATION VON FRAUEN UND KINDERN IM KONTEXT DER MODERNEN KRIEGSFÜHRUNG IN SYRIEN UND IM MITTLEREN OSTEN. Elsewhere, the Turkish state makes attacks, psychological warfare and environmental destruction. Resistance will be strongest when it is first and foremost against patriarchy, in our aims and in our methods. Let’s make global solidarity in the same way. On 2nd November a global day of resistance for Rojava brought thousands of people out onto the streets in dozens of cities around the world. Comrade Haukur lived a life of resistance and solidarity in social and class struggles, on the … We use to say that the Kurds have ‘no friends but the mountains’, but on 2nd November we saw this was not true. kurdi, english, deutsch, français, español, italiano, türkçe, arabic and farsi. Als Women Defend Rojava rufen wir gemeinsam mit RiseUp4Rojava und der Internationalistischen Kommune sowie Make Rojava Green Again zu globalen Aktionstagen am 18. und 19. aktualisiert am Dezember 19, 2019 Dezember 19, 2019. The Rojava revolution and the system of democratic self-administration in North and East Syria has become a source of hope for people seeking freedom and justice. Under the name of “establishing a security zone in Northern Syria”, the Turkish state seeks support for preparations of a new occupation war against Rojava. Organise and educate about the revolution- check out our homepage for material and links. * This entry was posted in ORGANIZE! Weiterlesen. Letter from an anarchist internationalist in Rojava. Jahrestag der Revolution in Rojava. We trust the power of our common struggle. ... the recent bombings of already displaced people in the camp in Maxmur and Yazidis in Şengal their will to invade also Rojava/Northern Syria and introduce fascism all over Kurdistan and beyond. Defending Rojava also means to stand with all of Kurdistan. Because of this, forces of the nation state and capitalist modernity arethreatened and responding with violence. Statement by the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF). Read their worldwide call to defend the Rojava Revolution, as well as their Statement and Call regarding the recent attacks by the fascist Turkish state and their Audio message … Rojava is today heritage of this history of internationalism, and we are called to play our role in it. Für die Vertreter*innen der »Women Defend Rojava« ist klar: Die Türkei missachtet mit dem Angriff bewusst den Willen der Bevölkerung in Rojava. We announce the campaign Women Defend Rojava. Defending Rojava also means to stand with all of Kurdistan. The 6th and 7th of September will see actions worldwide against the fascist Turkish state and its occupation and threats. Die Demokratische Föderation Nord- und Ostsyrien auch bekannt unter dem kurdischen Namen Rojava (Aussprache: [roʒɑːˈvɑ]; kurdisch رۆژاڤایا کوردستانێ, Rojavaya Kurdistanê; arabisch كردستان السورية, DMG Kurdistān as-sūriyya, aramäisch ܦܕܪܐܠܝܘܬܐ ܕܝܡܩܪܐܛܝܬܐ ܕܓܪܒܝ ܣܘܪܝܐ Federaloyotho Demoqraṭoyto l'Gozarto b'Garbyo d'Suriya), auf Deutsch Westkurdistan, ist ein de facto autonomes Gebiet in Syrien. 19 – 21.03.: Newroz-Feiern und … In northeastern Syria, Rojava, Turkey attacks incessantly and has now occupied areas along the Turkish-Syrian border for years. Die Bedeutung des antifaschistischen Kampfes. Juli auf. – Die Kampagne Women Defend Rojava in Deutschland stellt sich vor. Exploding into the street after watching a video of horror both strange and all-too-familiar: a video of a nine-minute murder, of a killer indifferent to the pleas of the bound man he choked and crushed to death. We call out especially to women, anti-patriarchal, and freedom-seeking comrades to raise your voices, your fists and your hearts. The Rojava project is framed as "a separatist rebellion", "an experiment", and "a genuine social revolution". Der 19. [7] In the beginning, we were many. Early in the morning we continued our way to Afrin and some people from Kobane also join the convoy, we were almos aktualisiert am November 1, ... Dieser Tag ist für uns von großer Bedeutung. This particularly impacts women, with rape, kidnaps and gendered violence systematically weaponised. For the people of Northern Syria, currently resisting an invasion by the Turkish army and its jihadist proxies, the joy and hope that these demonstrations brought is amongst the greatest gifts one could hope for. März 2016 rief eine Versammlung von kurdischen, assyrischen-aramäischen, arabischen und turkmenischen … Rojava (ROH- zhə- VAH; Kurdish: [roʒɑˈvɑ] "the West") is a de factoautonomous region originating in and consisting of three self- governing cantons in northern Syria,[6] namely Afrin Canton, Jazira Canton and Kobanî Canton, as well as adjacent areas of northern Syria like Shahba region. Darüber hinaus bewertet sie den Einmarsch und das Bombardement als Angriff auf die Kämpfe für … Patriarchy is the foundation upon which all social oppression is built, and the liberation from the mentality of dominant male must always be in the forefront of any revolutionary struggle. Internationalism in the twenty-first century has a lot of colours, but for sure the colour of the woman is the one that shines brightest. The imperialist countries are not in favour to defend this region and its population, their ally Turkey has closed the border and nearly no weapons reach the army of YPG/YPJ. Portland. Weltweit sehen wir die Zahl der Feminizide in den letzten Jahren weiter ansteigen. The IRPGF is a militant armed group formed to defend Rojava, confront capital & the state, & spread anarchism. Enough 14 is not organizing any of these events, we are publishing these texts for people across the US and Europe to be able to see what is going on and for documentation only.On February 1, 2021, our online shop will be closed. ... For this reason we oppose fascism even stronger to defend the revolution in Rojava. Brief an die Unterzeichnerinnen der Erklärung der Frauen. Because without the land, there will be no place for us to build a ecological society. The international solidarity that Rojava is witnessing is inspirational; it inspires us as internationalists in Rojava to remain steadfast on the barricades of this revolution and to commit to our many different works here, because we know that all our many struggles are entwined. From the First International Association of Workers to the Tri-Continental Conference, from the 50,000 of the International Brigades who travelled to Spain to fight fascism in 1936, to the 500,000 Cuban revolutionaries who travelled to Africa to support decolonisation struggles, from the solidarity with the resistance in Vietnam to the antiglobalisation movements, from the revolutionary inter-communalism of the Black Panthers to the solidarity with Palestinian revolutionary resistance. 156 talking about this. Patriarchy is the root of the fascism, colonialism and militarism we fight. Wer glaubt ernsthaft, dass diese Diplomatiefloskeln wirklich eine Bedeutung hätten? Since the war time of last octobre and during the fierce attacks on Rojava, the campaign made the global solidarity with the revolution visible and united the democratic forces against Turkish fascism and the occupation of Rojava. For some that might be sitting in a tree, as to be evicted and thus slowing down the cutting, decisions to safeguard nature possibly culminate in the meantime, for others appropriacy may be telling stories of the wonders of this forest and thus inspiring others to defend it, for those taking more risks, up against a highly violent punishment and reward based system, it could be throwing objects. Ein Interview mit Roza Awaz vom Defend Rojava Komitee Köln über die aktuelle Situation in Nordsyrien und wie Menschen in Deutschland sich gegen den Krieg der Türkei engagieren und ihre Solidarität mit der örtlichen Bevölkerung zeigen können. Make Rojava Green Again. It reminds us that we are not alone against the Salafist hordes that the Turkish state is sending. As women of North and East Syria we are determined to … 29.01. Feminismus - Antisexismus. Oregon. Kampf um Rojava, Kampf um die Türkei. Krieg und Revolution. ... are in other parts of the region, and war isn’t over yet, there’s a lot to lose and a lot to win. To the people of West Papua With this message, we, the women’s movement “Kongra Star” from Rojava and North-East Syria, express our support for the people of West Papua who are struggling against colonial rule and oppression. Write to representatives or institutions to take action against Turkey’s war on Rojava and for the recognition of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. With our campaign Women Defend Rojava we call for international solidarity with the women of Northern and Eastern Syria where since 2011 a women's revolution is taking place. Vom Arabischen Frühling zur Demokratischen Föderation Nordsyrien; Videos: Überblicke; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014-2015; 2016-2017; 2018-2020; Was ist die Revolution in Rojava? Rojava . Since March 2018, the Turkish army has illegally occupied the city and canton of Afrin. ९६३ जनाले मन पराउनुभयो. Democracy is our flag, but not the parliamentary democracy that Western powers tried to impose to the rest of the World. Die gezielten Angriffe gegen Frauen in ihren unterschiedlichsten Formen nimmt immer weiter zu und vor allem Frauen, die dazu nicht still schweigen, ihre Stimme erheben, sich organisieren und Widerstand leisten – Frauen, die für ihre Rechte und Freiheit kämpfen – werden zur direkten Zielscheibe der Angriffe. At the same time they are imprisoning democratically elected representatives in North Kurdistan and repressing peaceful protests.
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