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Any views expressed are the preliminary views of the Commission services and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the Commission. The Royal Navy's role in the 2020s, and beyond, is outlined in the 2021 defence white paper, which was published on March 22, 2021. The information transmitted is intended … Policy objective Initiatives Status / Change2 A European Green Deal 1. assistant . The 2021 work programme marks a clear shift from strategy to delivery, with an emphasis on new legislative initiatives in Annex 1 and revisions to existing legislation in Annex 2, which stem from commitments made in the strategies adopted in the first year of the mandate. Following the “Communication on Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT): State of Play and Outlook” (COM (2014) 368 final), on December 16 th, 2014 the Commission adopted the REFIT actions for 2015 as an annex of its Work Programme for 2015.. The Commission’s 2021 work programme is the result of close cooperation with the European Parliament, Member States and the EU consultative bodies. BEREC will gather early inputs for the Work Programme 2022 at a special online event that will take place on 1 April 2021. The Commission Work programme highlights the new key political initiatives planned by the Commission for 2018. The Commission Work Programme for the coming year focuses squarely on delivery of the 10 priorities outlined in the Political Guidelines in order to address the biggest challenges which Europe faces today. Climate, Energy and Mobility . The European Green Deal Communication on the European Green Deal (non-legislative, Q4 2019); European Climate Law enshrining the 2050 climate neutrality objective (legislative, Article 192(1) TFEU, Q1 2020); The European Climate Pact (non … Human Resources 53 Annex II. Any views expressed are the preliminary views of the Commission services and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the Commission. It confirms the Commission's resolve to lead the twin green and digital transition – an unparalleled opportunity to move out of the fragility of the crisis and create a new vitality for the Union. competent authority . Following the “Communication on Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT): State of Play and Outlook” (COM (2014) 368 final), on December 16 th, 2014 the Commission adopted the REFIT actions for 2015 as an annex of its Work Programme for 2015.. The information transmitted is intended … Every year, the European Commission adopts a work programme which sets out its key initiatives for the year ahead.It contains new legislative initiatives across all six headline ambitions: A European Green Deal A Europe fit for the digital age An economy that works for people A stronger Europe in the world Promoting our European way of life A new push … (7) The EIT shall take due account of the European Commission opinion and, in the event of disagreement, justify its position. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision . Annex 12 Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022 12. 8. Annex 6 Horizon Europe Programme (HORIZON) Draft Work Programme 2021-2022 6. programme implementing Horizon Europe ± the Frame work Programme for Research and Innovation Delegations will find in the annex a clean version of the above-mentioned proposal as endorsed by the Committee of Permanent Representatives in its meeting of 27 January 2021. The Work Program lists new policy objectives under the Green Deal, the Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy such as the action plan on organic production and the proposal on deforestation-free supply chains. EBA 2021 ANNUAL WORK PROGRAMME . Missions DISCLAIMER This draft has not been adopted or endorsed by the European Commission. Annex 8 . CA . The Commission 2021 work programme is designed to make Europe healthier, fairer and more prosperous, while accelerating its long-term transformation into a greener economy, fit for the digital age. Established by the ERC Scientific Council, the 2021 work programme was adopted on 22 February by the European Commission. The driving force behind this first Work Programme is to successfully grasp the opportunities that the twin ecological and digital transitions … The Commission aims to deliver not only on the recovery, but also on strengthening our long-term resilience. CCR … On October 20, 2020, the European Commission adopted its 2021 Work Program setting out the actions the Commission aims to take in 2021. Only titles … Commission, the European Parliament and the Council no later than 31 January in year N-1. 2021 COMMISSION WORK PROGRAMME. BoS . Board of Supervisors . Annex I. Horizon Europe . Adjusted Commission Work Programme 2020 . The structure of the Commission Work Programme consists of a political Communication and five annexes. DISCLAIMER This draft has not been adopted or endorsed by the European Commission. Commission Work Programme 2021 A Union of vitality in a world of fragility . Health DISCLAIMER Draft version 2 - September 2020 This version 2 produced in September 2020 considers the Strategic Plan version adopted end September, comments on Vs.1 from the Programme Committee in August 2020 and comments received from Commission services in September 2020. It is important to mention that that this list is not exhaustive. The Commission also has ongoing obligations to ensure that existing legislation or programmes are well implemented and deliver concrete results on the ground. Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society Version 16 October 2020 DISCLAIMER This draft has not been adopted or endorsed by the European Commission. The information transmitted is intended only for the Member State or … This document, the Health and food audits and analysis work programme 2021, presents the Directorate and its controls, priorities for Commission controls in 2021-2025 and the detailed activities planned for 2021. (6) Pursuant to Article 32 (7) of the EIT Financial Regulation, the European Commission shall deliver an opinion on the Draft Single Programming Document by 1 July year N-1. European Commission work programme 2021 25-11-2020 This briefing, which focuses on legislative initiatives only, is intended as a background overview for parliamentary committees (and their respective secretariats) which are planning their activities in relation to the European Commission work programme for 2021 (CWP 2021), adopted on 19 October 2020. Since the beginning of the crisis, the Commission's focus has been on 'protecting lives and livelihoods', through the adoption of 291 decisions (figure up to 27 May) and other acts aimed at … The Commission Work programme highlights the new key political initiatives planned by the Commission for 2018. Next Steps. Commission work programme for 2020 (adjusted CWP 2020), adopted on 27 May 2020. On October 20, 2020 the … Culture, creativity and inclusive society DISCLAIMER This draft has not been adopted or endorsed by the European Commission. 4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . AMLD . The Commission also has ongoing obligations to ensure that existing legislation or programmes are well implemented and deliver concrete results on the ground. It sets out list of actions for the upcoming 12 months that fit with the political commitments. AT1 . ESMA’s Key Performance Indicators 55 Annex IV. Repairing the world of today by shaping the world of tomorrow Less than one year ago, this European Commission took office after being elected on an agenda to drive Europe’s biggest transformation in more than a generation. Work Programme 2021-2022 . anti-money laundering . Annex to the Commission Implementing Decision C(2019) 8388 on the financing of the Copernicus Programme and on the adoption of the work programme for 2020 : European Commission : 2020-02-10: 1.9 MB : Annex to the COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION on the adoption of the work programme for 2019 and on the financing of the Copernicus Programme: European Commission : … Future planning of the Royal Navy's capabilities is set through periodic Defence Reviews carried out by the British Government. The Work Programme presents focused actions where the Commission will deliver in … 1 In this annex, the Commission provides further information, as far as available, on the initiatives included in its Work Programme, in line with the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-making. Any views expressed are the preliminary views of the Commission services and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the Commission. The initial CWP 2020 was adopted by the Commission on 29 January 2020, before the coronavirus outbreak in Europe. Work Programme 2021 European Innovation Council (EIC) established by the European Commission, under the Horizon Europe programme (2021-27) DISCLAIMER DRAFT FOR COMMENT, Version 17 July 2020 This document represents a working draft of the EIC Work Programme for the purpose of feedback and comments from members of the expert group acting as a shadow Horizon Europe Programme … 1 1. Banking Recovery and Resolution Directive . Today the European Commission adopted its 2020 Work Programme.It sets out the actions the Commission will take in 2020 to turn the Political Guidelines of President von der Leyen into tangible benefits for European citizens, businesses and society. AML . 1 Annex I: New initiatives 1 No. Summary of main features in 2021 . Anti-Money Laundering Directive . BRRD . Acronyms 57 . The Commission can also take unplanned initiatives in response to events throughout the course of the … ANNEX I: RESOURCE ALLOCATION PER ACTIVITY 33. The Commission can also take unplanned initiatives in response to events throughout the course of the … The calls planning of this Work Programme differs from last year’s planning due to the transition from the 2014-2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation to the Annex 5 Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022 5. A full list of the 44 new policy objectives are set out in Annex 1 of the 2021 work programme. COMMISSION Brussels, 24.2.2021 SWD(2021) 28 final PART 2/2 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT ANNEXES Accompanying the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union (recast) {COM(2021) 85 final} - {SEC(2021) 90 final} - {SWD(2021) 27 final} - {SWD(2021… 1 1. AST . Under the statute, the Commission shall consider proposals for the progressive development of international law referred by the General Assembly (article 16) or submitted by Members of the United Nations, the principal organs of the United Nations other … A Union that strives for more The people of Europe made their voice heard in record numbers at last year’s European elections. This ERC work Programme is the first under the 2021-2027 European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe. 6 political priorities. Commission Work Programme 2020 A Union that strives for more . Additional Tier 1 . 4 1 Foreword and general context The European Securities and Markets Authority’s (ESMA) work programme for 2021 is established against the background of a changing landscape for ESMA, including movement of the regulatory cycle towards supervision and … Moreover, the elected BEREC Chair for 2022, Annemarie Sipkes announced that in January 2021 BEREC will submit the outline of the Work Programme for 2022 to the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council. The programme is directed at a 27-member state EU, but there are initiatives that may be relevant to those advising UK exporters to the EU and would also be of interest to those wishing to stay informed generally about commercial law developments in the EU. The 2021 Commission work programme sees a shift from strategy to delivery across all six political priorities. BCBS . Draft budget 54 Annex III. They presented Europe’s institutions and leaders with a clear task to be bold and resolute in tackling our generational challenges. Any views expressed are the preliminary views of the Commission services and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the Commission… A full list of the 44 new policy objectives under the six headline ambitions are set out in Annex 1 of the 2021 work programme. On 19 October 2020, the European Commission published its annual Work Programme for 2021. The 2021 work programme introduces some novelties, such as interviews now being part of the evaluation process … Annex 4 Horizon Europe Programme (HORIZON) Work Programme 2021-2022 4. About the Commission Organization, programme and methods of work Programme of work (see also Analytical Guide) Selection of topics. This work programme is the first approved under the 2021-2027 European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe.. The Commission's 2015 Work Programme sets out: 23 new initiatives proposed by the Juncker Commission, following the Political Guidelines presented to the European Parliament; 80 existing proposals which the Commission proposes to withdraw or amend for political or technical reasons.
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