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I Burkina Faso har de tropisk klima. [97] Stunted growth as a result of food insecurity is a severe problem in Burkina Faso, affecting at least a third of the population from 2008 to 2012. Rail transport in Burkina Faso consists of a single line which runs from Kaya to Abidjan in Ivory Coast via Ouagadougou, Koudougou, Bobo Dioulasso and Banfora. Burkina Faso is a multilingual country. [14] Following the coup Compaoré immediately reversed the nationalizations, overturned nearly all of Sankara's policies, returned the country back into the IMF fold, and ultimately spurned most of Sankara's legacy. Das Klima in diesem Ort wird als Steppenklima bezeichnet. The country is divided into 13 administrative regions. According to the 2006 Census, the languages spoken natively in Burkina Faso were Mossi by 50.5% of the population, Fula by 9.3%, Gourmanché by 6.1%, Bambara by 4.9%, Bissa by 3.2%, Bwamu by 2.1%, Dagara by 2%, San by 1.9%, Lobiri with 1.8%, Lyélé with 1.7%, Bobo and Sénoufo with 1.4% each, Nuni by 1.2%, Dafing by 1.1%, Tamasheq by 1%, Kasséna by 0.7%, Gouin by 0.4%, Dogon, Songhai, and Gourounsi by 0.3% each, Ko, Koussassé, Sembla, and Siamou by 0.1% each, other national languages by 5%, other African languages by 0.2%, French (the official language) by 1.3%, and other foreign languages by 0.1%.[136]. Insgesamt besteht sie aus sieben Anrainerstaaten, zu denen der Senegal, Mauretanien, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, der Tschad und der Sudan zählen. Das ganze Jahr über gibt es in Ouagadougou … Draftees from the territory participated in the European fronts of World War I in the battalions of the Senegalese Rifles. Hier fiel die Temperatur im Juli 2008 auf 0,1 °C. In Burkina Faso in 2010, 46% of researchers were working in the health sector, 16% in engineering, 13% in natural sciences, 9% in agricultural sciences, 7% in the humanities and 4% in social sciences. It is the only language for laws, administration and courts. Der Baumwollanbau in Burkina Faso erhöht das Wirtschaftswachstum auf Kosten der Umwelt und Gesundheit der Bauern. French Upper Volta was established on 1 March 1919. The first president, Maurice Yaméogo, was the leader of the Voltaic Democratic Union (UDV). On 13 November 2005, Compaoré was reelected in a landslide, because of a divided political opposition. The government of Burkina Faso's 2006 census reported that 60.5% of the population practice Islam, and that the majority of this group belong to the Sunni branch,[137][138] while a small minority adheres to Shia Islam. "[111] There has not been much successful improvement on this issue of food security within recent years. [105] The efforts of this project are mostly geared towards the treatment and prevention of malnutrition and include take home rations for the caretakers of those children who are being treated for malnutrition. Die Stadt Burkina Faso liegt am südlichen Rand der Sahel und zählt zu den Feuchttropen. Sankara launched an ambitious socioeconomic programme for change, one of the largest ever undertaken on the African continent. Burkina Faso ist eine Präsidialrepublik im westlichen Afrika mit Ouagadougou/Wagadugu als Hauptstadt. Mit über zwei Millionen Einwohnern ist sie die größte Stadt des Landes und dessen administratives, wirtschaftliches und kulturelles Zentrum. Vergleich zum langjährigen Mittel), Das Video zum Deutschlandwetter am Wochenende 10./11. Paul Kaba Thieba was appointed PM in early 2016. Am wärmsten ist es im Monat März. The move signals the government's intention to make science and technology a development priority. In 1934, during French occupation, Dim-Dolobsom Ouedraogo published his Maximes, pensées et devinettes mossi (Maximes, Thoughts and Riddles of the Mossi), a record of the oral history of the Mossi people. Burkina Faso umfasst eine Fläche von insgesamt 274.000 km². It is a biennial event which takes place every two years in Bobo Dioulasso, the second-largest city in the country. 800 km. His domestic policies included a nationwide literacy campaign, land redistribution to peasants, railway and road construction and the outlawing of female genital mutilation, forced marriages and polygamy. Burkina Faso leidet auch unter einem Flüchtlingsstrom aus Mali. [26] The Bura culture was an Iron-Age civilization centred in the southwest portion of modern-day Niger and in the southeast part of contemporary Burkina Faso. In Bobo-Dioulasso ist der wärmste Monat März mit 37° Celsius Tagestemperatur. [35], During the early 16th century the Songhai conducted many slave raids into what is today Burkina Faso. [125], In 2009, Burkina Faso spent 0.20% of GDP on research and development (R&D), one of the lowest ratios in West Africa. Subtropisk klima. [161] In December 2008, police in Ouagadougou questioned leaders of a protest march that called for a renewed investigation into the unsolved Zongo assassination. Niederschlagsradar für alle Regionen in Deutschland. 165. At the time of its construction, it was the largest solar power facility in West Africa. For many years the headquarters of the Federation of Panafrican Filmmakers (FEPACI) was in Ouagadougou, rescued in 1983 from a period of moribund inactivity by the enthusiastic support and funding of President Sankara. The cinema of Burkina Faso is an important part of West African and African film industry. Angrebet i Ouagadougou; Referencer France reversed this change during the period of intense anti-colonial agitation that followed the end of World War II. Geographic and environmental causes can also play a significant role in contributing to Burkina Faso's issue of food insecurity. [10] Previously called Republic of Upper Volta (1958–1984), it was renamed "Burkina Faso" on 4 August 1984 by President Thomas Sankara. [130], In 2009 the U.S. Department of State's Trafficking in Persons Report reported that slavery in Burkina Faso continued to exist and that Burkinabè children were often the victims. Sitarail operates a passenger train three times a week along the route. [119], While services remain underdeveloped, the National Office for Water and Sanitation (ONEA), a state-owned utility company run along commercial lines, is emerging as one of the best-performing utility companies in Africa. Burkina Faso liegt in der innertropischen Konvergenzzone und wird somit beherrscht von tropischem Wechselklima zwischen Trockenzeit und Regenzeit. [105] The Human Development Index is a measure of quality of life, taking into account three main areas of human development: longevity, education, and economic standard of living. Die beste Reisezeite für Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso ist in Januar und Februar und Juni bis Dezember, da Sie ein warme bis sehr heiße Temperaturen haben und kein bis wenig Niederschlag.Die höchste Durchschnittstemperatur in Ouagadougou ist 41°C im April und die niedrigste Temperatur beträgt 32°C im August. [47] After the coup and although Sankara was known to be dead, some CDRs mounted an armed resistance to the army for several days. Burkina Faso liegt in Westafrika und grenzt im Norden und Westen an Mali, im Osten an Niger, im Südosten an Benin und im Süden an Togo, Ghana und Côte d’Ivoire. [143], Central government spending on health was 3% in 2001. In 2018, the under-five mortality rate and the infant mortality rate was 76 per 1000 live births. The Mossi language (Mossi: Mòoré) is the most spoken language in Burkina Faso, spoken by about half the population, mainly in the central region around the capital, Ouagadougou, along with other, closely related Gurunsi languages scattered throughout Burkina. [105] Burkina Faso's rapidly growing population (around 3.6% annually) continues to put a strain on the country's resources and infrastructure, which can further limit accessibility to food. Während dieser Monate weht der sogenannte Harmattan, ein heißer Wüstenwind, der so viel feinsten Sand mitführt, dass die Sonne wie hinter einem dichten Schleier erscheint. [28][29] To date, the oldest evidence of iron smelting found in Burkina Faso dates from 800-700 BC and form part of the Ancient Ferrous Metallurgy World Heritage Site. Colonel Zerbo also encountered resistance from trade unions and was overthrown two years later by Maj. Dr. Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo and the Council of Popular Salvation (CSP) in the 1982 Upper Voltan coup d'état. Hier ist es sehr trocken und es wachsen vor allem Gräser und Akazien. The Proto-Mossi arrived in the far Eastern part of what is today Burkina Faso sometime between the 8th and 11th centuries,[31] the Samo arrived around the 15th century,[32] the Dogon lived in Burkina Faso's north and northwest regions until sometime in the 15th or 16th centuries[33] and many of the other ethnic groups that make up the country's population arrived in the region during this time. Among the best known directors from Burkina Faso are Gaston Kaboré, Idrissa Ouedraogo and Dani Kouyate. Burkina Faso befindet sich am Südrand der Sahelzone. RSP members Marcel Kafando, Edmond Koama, and Ousseini Yaro, investigated as suspects in the Norbert Zongo assassination, were convicted in the Ouedraogo case and sentenced to lengthy prison terms. On 4 September 1947, it revived the colony of Upper Volta, with its previous boundaries, as a part of the French Union. The increase in consumption linked to growth of the wage bill also supported economic growth. Full independence from France was received in 1960.[39]. The value of Burkina Faso's exports fell from $2.77 billion in 2011 to $754 million in 2012. The massif is bordered by sheer cliffs up to 150 m (492 ft) high. In dieser Zeit wehen oft starke Monsunwinde, die manche Teile des Landes aufgrund heftiger Überschwemmungen unpassierbar machen. [101] Rates of micronutrient deficiencies are also high. [80], There is a municipal police force controlled by the Ministry of Territorial Administration; a national police force controlled by the Ministry of Security; and an autonomous Regiment of Presidential Security (Régiment de la Sécurité Présidentielle, or RSP), a 'palace guard' devoted to the protection of the President of the Republic. Ganzjährig sehr heißes Klima. Lions, leopards and buffalo can also be found here, including the dwarf or red buffalo, a smaller reddish-brown animal which looks like a fierce kind of short-legged cow. [101] Malnutrition is especially common in women and children, with large amounts of the population suffering from stunted growth and micronutrient deficiencies such as anemia. Burkina Faso qualified for the 2013 African Cup of Nations in South Africa and reached the final, but then lost to Nigeria 0–1. This group's prediction for 2018 indicated that the budget deficit would be reduced to 4.8% of GDP in 2018 and to 2.9% in 2019. [49] As of 2014[update], Burkina Faso remained one of the least-developed countries in the world.[50]. Außerdem verursacht es den Übergang zwischen Trocken- und Niederschlag. 8 October 2014. Burkina Faso zählt zu den ärmsten Ländern der Sahelzone und leidet besonders stark unter dem Klimawandel. France continues to provide significant support and training to police forces. I Burkina Faso har de tropisk klima. Regnen er ikke så voldsom som i troperne. [126], Burkina Faso is an ethnically integrated, secular state where most people are concentrated in the south and centre, where their density sometimes exceeds 48 persons per square kilometre (125/sq. [citation needed] A majority[quantify] of Burkinabé citizens hold that France's foreign ministry, the Quai d'Orsay, was behind Compaoré in organizing the coup. But in October 2005, the constitutional council ruled that, because Compaoré was the sitting president in 2000, the amendment would not apply to him until the end of his second term in office. These mechanisms are the National Fund for Education and Research, the National Fund for Research and Innovation for Development and the Forum of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation. Burkina Faso Klima. [10], The total fertility rate of Burkina Faso is 5.93 children born per woman (2014 estimates), the sixth highest in the world. Jahres-Durchschnitt In welcher Klimazone liegt Burkina Faso? um 7,3 % zurückgehen. Efforts to free him, directed by Capt. Institutions of higher education include the University of Ouagadougou, The Polytechnic University of Bobo-Dioulasso, and the University of Koudougou, which is also a teacher training institution. [24], A 2018 report by the African Development Bank Group discussed a macroeconomic evolution: "higher investment and continued spending on social services and security that will add to the budget deficit". Wetter Klima News Home > Klima > Afrika > Burkina Faso > Ouagadougou > Klima für Ouagadougou. Klima Burkina Faso liegt in der innertropischen Konvergenzzone und wird somit beherrscht von tropischem Wechselklima zwischen Trockenzeit und Regenzeit. Ein ähnliches Klima herrscht auch in den zentralen Regionen des Landes. Burkina Faso has a larger number of elephants than many countries in West Africa. Human rights organizations had criticised the Compaoré administration for numerous acts of state-sponsored violence against journalists and other politically active members of society.[69][70]. [37], The eastern and western regions, where a standoff against the forces of the powerful ruler Samori Ture complicated the situation, came under French occupation in 1897. [113] Food insecurity has grown to be a structural problem in Burkina Faso, only to be intensified by high food prices. [149], Literature in Burkina Faso is based on the oral tradition, which remains important. Burkina Faso liegt in den wechselfeuchten äusseren Tropen. Sankara's government comprised the National Council for the Revolution (CNR – French: Conseil national révolutionnaire), with Sankara as its president, and established popular Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDRs). There are some small private colleges in the capital city of Ouagadougou but these are affordable to only a small portion of the population. Mit einer installierten Leistung von nur 285 Megawatt sind in Burkina Faso drei Millionen Haushalte ohne Strom. Wo ist Fidschi? He is responsible for recommending a cabinet for appointment by the president. Other presidential candidates challenged the election results. Centre, Burkina Faso, 12.37°N 1.53°W, 299m ü.NN . Three climatic zones can be defined: the Sahel, the Sudan-Sahel, and the Sudan-Guinea. [129], In 2015, most of the population belonged to "one of two West African ethnic cultural groups: the Voltaic and the Mande. Im Dezember und Januar weht der Wüstenwind Harmattan. Året rundt er middeltemperaturen over 15 °C. His rule coincided with the Sahel drought and famine, and facing problems from the country's trade unions he was deposed in the 1980 coup d'état, led by Saye Zerbo. [52] Ouagadougou International Airport closed and MPs suspended the vote on changing the constitution (the change would have allowed Compaoré to stand for re-election in 2015). Internationally known filmmakers such as Ouedraogo, Kabore, Yameogo, and Kouyate make popular television series. Between February and April 2011, the death of a schoolboy provoked protests throughout the country, coupled with a military mutiny and a magistrates' strike. [91] The country also belongs to the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization. [140] In 2014, the median age of its inhabitants was 17 and the estimated population growth rate was 3.05%. Die Sahelzone liegt am südlichen Rand der Sahara und erstreckt sich vom Atlantik bis zum Roten Meer über eine Länge von ca. Its goal is to reinforce the capacities of service providers and institutions who are specifically involved in project implementation. The French feared a recurrence of armed uprising and had related economic considerations. There is a supranational relationship between these organizations and their state members. Facebook. Fula is widespread, particularly in the north. Das Klima in Ägypten ist aufgrund der Größe des Landes mit unterschiedlichen Begebenheiten natürlich je nach Region anders, besitzt aber dennoch überall eine Tendenz zu manchmal feuchter Hitze.. Unterschiedlich, weil sich das Klima im Bereich der Mittelmeerküste und im Nildelta doch vom Klima im übrigen Land abhebt. [108] One of the main projects the World Bank is working on to reduce food insecurity in Burkina Faso is the Agricultural Productivity and Food Security Project. Only 1.6 million Burkinabés voted, out of a total population 10 times that size. [22], Formerly called the Republic of Upper Volta, the country was renamed "Burkina Faso" on 4 August 1984 by then-President Thomas Sankara. Zurück zur Übersicht: Burkina Faso. Up until then, management of science, technology and innovation had fallen under the Department of Secondary and Higher Education and Scientific Research. There is a supranational relationship between these organizations and their state members. Das Klima hier ist tropisch-feucht. August 1984 in Burkina Faso geändert. [75], In 2015, Kaboré promised to revise the 1991 constitution. Under the new (1991) constitution, Compaoré was re-elected without opposition in December 1991. [112], Because the country is landlocked and prone to natural disasters, including drought and floods, many families struggle to protect themselves from severe hunger. The report provided this updated summary of the country's development challenges: "Burkina Faso remains vulnerable to climatic shocks related to changes in rainfall patterns and to fluctuations in the prices of its export commodities on world markets. Boys receive preference in schooling; as such, girls' education and literacy rates are far lower than their male counterparts. Public debt associated with the National Economic and Social Development Plan was estimated at 36.9% of GDP in 2017. Kaboré won the election in the first round of voting, receiving 53.5% of the vote against 29.7% for the second place candidate, Zephirin Diabré. Jahres-Durchschnitt. The Mossi claim descent from warriors who migrated to present-day Burkina Faso from northern Ghana around 1100 AD. Am Südrand der Sahelzone liegt Burkina Faso, welches zu den wechselfeuchten Tropen gehört. Ländername: Burkina Faso Regierungsform: Laizistische Republik mit Präsidialsystem Staatsoberhaupt: Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, Amtsantritt 29.12.2015, wiedergewählt im November… The World Bank said that the economic outlook remained favorable in the short and medium term, although that could be negatively impacted. (2005), CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (, European Rail Timetable, Summer 2014 Edition, popular youth upheaval of 31 October 2014, general election held on 29 November 2015, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Franco-British Convention of 14 June 1898, Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, Economic Community of West African States, Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa, The Polytechnic University of Bobo-Dioulasso, Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou, International Art and Craft Fair, Ouagadougou, Symposium de sculpture sur granit de Laongo, Festival International des Masques et des Arts, "École, langues, cultures et développement", "Africa: Burkina Faso The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency", "Recensement général de la population et de l'habitation de 2006", "Archived copy" (PDF). The provinces of Kmoandjari, Tapoa, Kompienga, and Gourma in East Region due to crime and terrorism".[89]. Soon after coming to power, Yaméogo banned all political parties other than the UDV. (inkl. Microfinance institutions are governed by a separate law, which regulates microfinance activities in all WAEMU countries. 42 Grad ist die höchste gemessene Temperatur. After much unrest, including mass demonstrations and strikes by students, labor unions, and civil servants, the military intervened. I de tørre områder er der busksteppe og ørken. Retrieved 2016-02-18.CS1 maint: archived copy as title", "Report for Selected Countries and Subjects", "Distribution of family income – Gini index", ISO 4217 currency names and code elements, "burkina-faso noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com", "Burkina Faso Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)", "Global voices Burkina Faso: Two languages are better than one", "Africa :: Burkina Faso – People and Society – The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency", Burkina Faso Salutes "Africa's Che" Thomas Sankara, "Violent Protests Topple Government in Burkina Faso", Tens of thousands attend Burkina Faso protest, Protesters voice opposition to referendum that would allow Blaise Campaore to extend his presidential term, "Burkina Faso coup: military says it now controls country after arresting leaders", "Burkina Faso coup: Michel Kafando reinstated as president", "Kabore wins Burkina Faso presidential election", "Burkina Faso swears in new president, capping transition", "Ancient Ferrous Metallurgy Sites of Burkina Faso", "More (Language of the Moose people) Phrase Book", "Burkina Faso's history, also called Upper Volta, endured between 1960 and 1987, 6 military coups and the establishment of 3 republics", More (Language of the Mossi Tribe) Phrase Book, "Burkina Faso protesters set parliament on fire, take over state TV and march on presidency", "Burkina Faso General Takes Power After President Resigns", Burkina Faso's President Resigns, and General Takes Reins, "Army backs new Burkina Faso leader Isaac Zida", "Burkina Faso talks agree on plan for return to civilian rule", "Burkina Faso coup: military says it now controls country after arresting leaders: live", "Burkina Faso Leader Apologizes To Nation For Seizing Power in a Coup", "A Week After Coup, Burkina Faso's Interim President Back in Power", "16 killed in Burkina Faso mosque attack: security sources", "Burkina Faso's Blaise Compaore sacks his government", "Burkina opposition calls anti-president demo", "Mayor's Home Burned as Burkina Faso Protests Continue", "Burkina Faso Riot Police Join Wave of Protests After Government Dissolved", "Burkina Faso teachers' strike: Union agrees deal", "Burkina Faso government replaces its governors", "Africa's human rights court and the limits of justice", "Burkina Faso: Referendum on new constitution set for March 2019", "Burkina Faso: Le référendum constitutionnel prévu le 24 mars 2019 – Radio France Internationale", Jane's Sentinel Security Assessment – West Africa, "Burkina Faso capital under curfew after army mutiny", Burkina Faso: Country Specific Information, "An Ecoregion-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm", "OEC: Products exported by Bulgaria (2012)", "OHADA.com: The business law portal in Africa", "Iamgold's growing investment in Burkina Faso", "Shiny future for Burkina Faso's gold-mining industry", "The Cost of Hunger in Africa: Burkina Faso 2015", "Education of Marginalized Populations in Burkina Faso", "The DHS Program – Burkina Faso: DHS, 2010 – Final Report (French)", "Gains and losses as Burkina Faso fights child hunger", "Food Assistance Fact Sheet – Burkina Faso | U.S. Agency for International Development", "Burkina Faso | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme – Fighting Hunger Worldwide", "Burkina Faso Transitional ICSP (January – December 2018) | World Food Programme", "Projects : Agricultural Productivity and Food Security Project | The World Bank", "Food security: definition and measurement", "USAID Office of Food for Peace Burkina Faso Food Security Country Framework", "A review of the literature describing the link between poverty, food insecurity and obesity with specific reference to Australia", "Food security for Africa: an urgent global challenge", "Reflections on the global food crisis: How did it happen?
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