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You should send your application via email to Prof. Dr. Walid Maalej maalej(at) as one PDF file including: A short cover letter explaining your research interests and goals (max 2 pages). Concepts, strategies, and media infrastructures for envisioning socially inclusive potential futures of European Societies through culture. Hamburg International Summer School 2021 In diesem Jahr findet die International Summer School der Universität Hamburg online statt. Study Business, Sports, Media & Event. Application for the master of science programm "Wood Science" Application time: February 15th until March 31th. Job description. 276 results. Student research assistants: Applications for student research assistants are invited at any time. Do you have entry-level positions to fill or do you need support in your personal environment? Job portals on "Research in Germany" - publishes a selection of job portals that are specialised in academic and research-related job openings; Climate Change Job Vacancies Update - a service provided by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Reporting Services; Please note that this list is not exhaustive. Most Recent. : 42838-4194 Prof. Dr. Annette Eschenbach,, Tel. 21.8k Followers, 157 Following, 964 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Universität Hamburg (@uni_hamburg) The graduate program “Collective Decision-Making” is concerned with fundamental research on a topic of major significance for democratic societies. You will find answers to the most important questions on the coronavirus pandemic and the current rules in the FAQ, which is regularly updated. Job Opportunities International young researchers in Hamburg We offer you the opportunity to pursue advanced academic qualification within the interdisciplinary, structured doctoral program run by the DFG-funded Research Training Group “Interconfessionality in the Early Modern Period” (GRK 2008). : 42838-2021. Any documents sub-mitted will be destroyed after the application process has concluded. Learn about the broad range of career opportunities available at Airbus, including apprenticeships, graduate programmes, featured jobs and more. What rules are in place for working from home? See this drawing of the application prozess. Job Openings. Posted a day ago. program in Integrated Climate System Sciences (ICSS) is a study program that teaches across all subjects involved in climate research in order to provide a holistic picture of the climate system. HSBA is closely linked to Hamburg’s economy, offering academic business studies for working professionals leading to undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. Job Announcements. Virtual Girls'Day and Boys'Day 2021 at the University of Hamburg 22.04.21 10:00 AM HRA spotlight – Successful Communication Between Doctoral Researchers and Supervisors : 42838-2008 Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach,, Tel. Servicetechniker (m/w/d) für Aufzugsanlagen im nördlichen Großraum Hamburg Wartung & Unterhalt Apr 3, 2021 Wartung & Unterhalt Hamburg, Hamburg, DE The ranking is based on publications between 2011 and 2020. Tel: +49 40 42838 7008, Fax: +49 40 42838 7009, Email: "AT" This page: UHH > MIN > Research Unit Sustainability & Global Change Last update: 17 September 2019 Kühne Logistics University is a private university with the right to confer PhDs. You can approach students easily, quickly and effectively via our stellenwerk job exchange portals! Universität Hamburg has been certified. Semester start at Universität Hamburg postponed until 20 April Due to spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the start of the summer semester 2020 has been postponed from 1 April to 20 April. William and Mary • North America) physics; Junior (leads to Senior) Deadline on Jan 1, 2022. Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer,, Tel. In Hamburg and throughout Germany. Since mid-March, the research ship SUN has been on the road. audit familiengerechte hochschule In addition to Daimler, IBM and ALBA BERLIN, our students find internships and jobs with many other partners in the fields of Art & Design, Business and Sports, Media & Event. If you want to pursue a PhD in the field of law and economics and you are interested in using text mining to quantify legal documents, this position might be what you have been looking for. KLU's focus lies on the field of logistics, supply chain management and management. Universität Hamburg has been ranked third in Germany for business economics research in the prestigious WirtschaftsWoche ranking 2020. Studierende und Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende der Uni Hamburg nehmen euch auf ihrem Blog mit auf die Expedition: For further information see here (PDF, German). Enrolment is possible twice a year, for the start of either the Winter's or the Summer's term starting 1st October and 1st April respectively. In Hamburg bietet die Hochschule eine Reihe an berufsbegleitenden Studiengängen sowie duale Studiengänge an. Please do not submit original documents as we are not able to return them. Internships: We offer internships for BSc, MSc and PhD students. Gr. The Institute of Special Education at Europa-Universität Flensburg seeks to fill the following position in the Department of Special Educational in the Field of Learning as soon as possible: Professor (Bes. Its research foci comprise learning and decision making, cognitive modeling, eye tracking, and the use of … The ranking is based on publications between 2011 and 2020. Im WS 2019/2020 waren insgesamt 54425 Studierende … The M.Sc. Institute of Geography Internships lasting several weeks are not possible for organizational reasons. We recommend to show the relevance of your interests to currents projects, papers, and activities at MOBIS. Please send applications as a single PDF file January 15, 2021 to: grk-nanohybrid "AT" The EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) is the backbone of EU climate policy. … Are you looking for student staff for your company? It imposes a binding cap on emissions from large stationary emitters and inner-EU flights. How are examinations currently taking place? Being able to learn more about simulator systems and some basic flying while working added a fun element to work. Internships, Jobs Here you will find the current job advertisements of the Institute of Marketing. The positions are associated with the professorship for General Psychology. Select Job Filters: Subscribe to mailing list Field of Interest Rank Region. PhD applicants should hold a Master of Science in Physics, Chemistry, or Biology depending on the project. We offer Ph.D. and Postdoc positions in the following core areas: A: Designing dynamical emergence in quantum matter; B: Capturing emergent chemistry ; C: Exploring emergence in heterogeneous systems; We invite highly qualified and motivated candidates to apply. What makes us unique. Study in Hamburg and enjoy access to Germany's hub for Climate research What is ICSS? Foto: Knut Heinatz. Lecturer of Physics (Coll. Innovative programmes for management talents who want to get things done. “My dream job since young has been to be a pilot and that’s why being able to join Airbus was an amazing opportunity for me. The postgraduate part-time courses let you pursue a MSc degree while continuing … Come aboard! First step to applicate during this time is online via STiNE on the front pages of the University of Hamburg. The Center for Advanced Study “RomanIslam – Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies,” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), brings together scholars from a wide range of disciplines working on Romanization and Islamication in Late Antiquity with a focus, though not exclusive, on the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa during the first millennium CE. FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management: Die FOM ist neben der Hochschule Fresenius eine der größten privaten Fachhochschulen und hat ihren Sitz in Essen/Nordrhein Westfalen. Our Master’s degree program in Mathematics covers all areas of pure and applied mathematics represented at the Department of Mathematics at Hamburg University. Jobs for students and graduates. POEM is a consortium of high profile universities, acknowledged memory institutions, civil society organizations, and SMEs located in Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and the UK. Faculties at our University. Black Hole Theory Modelling for Laboratory Analogues of Black Holes (King's Coll. Job Offers; Internship Offerings; The Institute for Law and Economics (ILE) is hiring. University of Hamburg, Hamburg Center for Health Economics (HCHE) (coordinator) Bocconi University, Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management (CERGAS) Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute of Health Policy & Management (iBMG) Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Nova School of Business and Economics (NOVA SBE) The undergraduate work-study programmes combine challenging academic study with on-the-job training in one of our 300 partner companies. As women are currently underrepresented in this job category at Universität Hamburg according to the evaluation conducted under the Hamburg act on gender equality (Hamburgisches Gleichstellungsgesetz, HambGleiG), we encourage women to apply for this position. Gegründet wurde die FOM 1993. Equally qualified and suitable female applicants will receive preference. You can find further advertisements on the official job portal of the Universität Hamburg www.stellenwerk-hamburg…
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