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Innovation für Lebensqualität. 0 Papers | — Views | 0 Followers | — Unfollow Follow × Close Log In. All Departments; 0 Documents; 1 Researchers; Alumni. He has innate understanding of the game that allows him to see plays before they develop. It’s better than all those points he scored.”. You can find information on their website, EAH Jena University of Applied Sciences. or. He knows he can play at a very high level and is eager to prove it, even if that means traveling some strange roads and learning even greater patience. In the interest of a scientifically profound and practically oriented education, the university cooperates with universities in Europe and beyond. 159 meters Career Service EAH Jena. 10 Jobs--Salaries--Interviews--Benefits--Photos. Momentan studieren hier circa 4.500 Personen in verschiedenen Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen. Hier können Sie uns Fehler und Verbesserungsvorschläge mitteilen oder Kritik äußern. 18.000 € … Technik Wirtschaft Soziales ... Das Studienangebot der Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena unterteilt sich in die Bereiche Technik, Wirtschaft, Soziales und Gesundheit. View Jobs. What was remarkable about the play is that Browning was around to do it at all. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.’ But it’s not easy. His mom (Carlissa), various uncles and aunts and cousins all played college sports. I wasn’t going anywhere. Email: Password: Remember me on this computer. Maybe Detrek Browning never should have wound up at FMU in the first place. But … things happened. “He’s one of those guys,” says FMU’s Edwards, “where you pick up the stat sheet afterwards and you say, ’Twenty-five points? Wenn Sie eine Antwort wünschen, können Sie auch Ihre E-Mail Adresse hinterlassen. Bldg. 4,146 were here. Die Hochschule, die auch als FH Jena bekannt ist, hat mit 20% einen hohen Anteil an ausländischen Studenten und ist bekannt für ihre internationale Ausrichtung. University. German residency permits may also require extra passport photos. Optometrist. EAH Jena University of Applied Sciences was founded on 1st October 1991 as one of the first institutions of higher education of its kind in the newly founded federal states of Germany. Edwards found out Browning’s recruiting had taken a funny turn and put on the full court press. Add a Review. Bachelors in Electrical Engineering. “And the people here have always been great. or reset password. Hier können Sie uns Fehler und Verbesserungsvorschläge mitteilen oder Kritik äußern. A bucket is a bucket. Browning may not have been — may being the key word — the best player on a team that also included University of South Carolina recruit Justin McKie. Hover over the donut graph to view the FC output for each subject. Local Business. She was right.”. Thomas Fritzsche. Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (O... HÖHER Management GmbH - Akademie für Pfl... Studieninteressierte gelangen mit diesen Suchbegriffen auf das Institutsprofil der Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena. I’d rather conserve my energy.”. Your FMU Liaison, Dr. Lorna Cintron-Gonzalez, will assist you with the application process and mail your documents to EAB Jena. 3 Reviews. In Browning’s mind — a good place to start for analyzing basketball — the key skill is shooting. There were schools out there – Division I schools – who were interested. Transparency Reports Their path is fraught with peril. When Browning came for his official visit, Edwards offered him a full scholarship on the spot. He’s been the Peach Belt Conference Player of the Week four times (through January), set the FMU single game scoring mark (41 points) in early January and is clearly poised to post-season accolades as well. Eah Jena E Commerce Diese Website verwendet Cookies, um Ihre Erfahrung zu verbessern. Ich stimme zu, dass meine Angaben aus dem Kontaktformular zur Beantwortung meiner Anfrage erhoben und verarbeitet werden. Now there’s a line that doesn’t show up on many scouting reports. Join Facebook to connect with Marielle Bartos and others you may know. “I’ve had some very good coaches. Edwards saw him and quickly agreed — “best point guard I saw all year,” Edwards said. Players move regularly and easily from school to school, looking for the next bit of slightly greener grass; and there is not much hard-working coaches and schools can do about it. There is also an intensive cooperation with industry: world-famous companies like Zeiss, Jenoptik, Siemens, and Bosch, and the industrial research institutions in Jena represent modern technology, up-to-date management and scientific innovation. Click here to apply now. He glides around the court, under control, moving from place to place — moving from the right place to the right place — with a studied nonchalance that lulls opponents, fans and even his own coach into a state of disinterest. That’s the way to do it. EAH Jena - Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, University of Applied Sciences | 530 followers on LinkedIn | The University of Applied Sciences Jena (EAH Jena) offers a wide variety of study courses in nine departments covering engineering sciences, business administration and social sciences. Redshirts spend all the practice time that regular players do but don’t get to play in the games, can’t even travel with the team to away contests. Whipple says it was clear to him — then and now — that Browning belonged on a Division I roster. Try Enhanced Profile Free for a Month. “I actually have two dunks in games (at FMU). The big decision, he says, was really no decision at all. Friends, foes, even some of his teammates, had gone that route. Die Statistik veranschaulicht, wie hoch das Interesse für die Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena unter Studieninteressierten ist.Sie setzt sich aus den Seitenaufrufen des Institutsprofils, der Studienprofile sowie der Erfahrungsberichte zusammen. I guess maybe coach was worried, but I wasn’t leaving. Note. “Man, after all (FMU) has done for me … I mean, they were there for me when no one else was,” says Browning. Students applying early will be able to stay in the dormitories on campus. One point — not the first point, but a point all the same — that Browning would make about his game, about the way he plays basketball is that he can dunk the ball. “It’s always amazing to me the number of basketball players — Division I players — really can’t shoot,” says Browning. Marielle Bartos is on Facebook. With that relatively unremarkable basket, Browning became something quite remarkable — the leading career scorer in the school’s almost 50-year-old history. After you have been accepted to the FMU exchange program, you will be required to complete an application form from the EAB Jena University of Applied Science web site. Industrial Engineering : Phone: +49 (0)3641 205-900, wi@eah-jena.de . Jenna Elfman began her career as a professional dancer, appearing in music videos by Depeche Mode and Anthrax, and danced on the 1991 Academy Awards live broadcast, choreographed by Debbie Allen. I’ll have to say there were a few nights where a few tears were shed. There’s a lot to get used to moving from high school to college. 1, ground floor, room 13 (01.00.13) Phone: +49 (0)3641 205-122 . Student Advisory (in German: Zentrale Studienberatung) Service. So, early that year, one Edwards’ assistants at FMU saw Browning play and suggested the Patriots make a run at him. Log In with Facebook Log In with Google. Below, the same research outputs are grouped by subject. Willkommen auf der offiziellen Seite der Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena. E-Mail: studienberatung@eah-jena.de . He’s a Dean’s List student who’ll graduate in May with a degree in Psychology, and reservoir of knowledge that he thinks will translate nicely in that field. SciTec@eah-jena.de . Fax: +49 (0)3641 205-121 . …. Gary Edwards, Browning’s coach at FMU, admits to some nervousness during the spring in question. Explore the many benefits of having a premium branded profile on Glassdoor, like increased influence and advanced analytics. “I was hearing from a few people,” Browning says, “and people were in my ear, telling me to go, that this was my big chance. And Browning knew the drill. WMS is a Not-just-for-Profit organization which aims to bring out the most reliable and transparent information about everything related to International education The table to the right includes counts of all research outputs for Jena University of Applied Sciences (EAH Jena) published between 1 December 2019 - 30 November 2020 which are tracked by the Nature Index. But that aspect of Detrek Browning, basketball player, says about as much about his game as any. That’s a rare quality. HFU Business School – Hochschule Furtwangen . In his senior year Irmo went 29-0 — Whipple’s only unbeaten squad in 37 years at the helm — and captured Whipple’s fifth state title. Overview Overview. They really want you. EAH-Jena has 2 repositories available. Browning’s chief skill is an absolute intangible. Good at energy conservation. Need an account? The awards and honors are piling up fast in Browning’s final season. Browning plans to follow in the footsteps of his former teammate Gary and play basketball professionally for as long as he can. Tucker Hipps Report Follow their code on GitHub. He has simple mechanics and feel for the shot that came to him almost from the moment he took up the game — he hit a long buzzer beater to win the championship game in his first year of organized basketball at age 12. Workplace & Office. 53.000 € (BBG) Executive Master of International Business Management HFU . Students will be responsible for arranging their own meal plans. 226 meters [EAH-Jena] FSR SciTec/MB. He (Browning) was a little small maybe, kind of got in that in-between thing position wise. It’s who can be fast when they need to be.”. In the interest of a scientifically profound and practically oriented education, the university cooperates with universities in Europe and beyond. At present, 4,611 students are enrolled at the EAH Jena, the number includes 746 foreign students. Students holding a U.S. passport may enter Germany without a visa, but once in Germany must apply—with the assistance of the university—for a residency permit. Wähle aus den nachfolgenden Kacheln Deine favorisierte Studienrichtung aus und informiere Dich über Deinen Traumstudiengang! Die 1991 gegründete Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule (EAH) Jena zeichnet sich aus durch ein praxisorientiertes Studienangebot in den Bereichen der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Betriebswirtschaft sowie der Sozial... Domain info. “Meanwhile, mom is saying, ‘are you crazy? Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. They’re offering you a full scholarship. Try to stop that and …. “. Home / Executive MBA / Executive MBAs. But he wasn’t a secret. Below, the same research outputs are grouped by subject. Title IX & Discrimination Policies “Detrek’s done a lot of neat things here, made a lot of big plays, and he’ll always be one of my favorites,” says Edwards, “but if you ask me what I’ll remember most that’s it. Browning’s calling card as a player is his ability to score, seemingly without effort; to make a unique ability to find ways to put ball basket appear quite ordinary. Typo3. The EAH's total staff of 490 also includes people engaged in various projects, in administration and services, and two apprentices. Executive MBAs. “. Location: Germany: Hosted by: Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena: Registered by: DENIC eG: Subnetworks: More domains registered by DENIC eG. “It’s the most important part of most sports. Meine EAH. Sign Up with Apple. Eventually his own good sense — all who know him see him as an extremely well-grounded person — and a little hectoring from his mom made him a Patriot. Moodle. Irmo, led by legendary coach Tim Whipple, is one of the premier high school basketball programs in South Carolina and Detrek Browning did nothing during his time with the Yellowjackets to lessen that. “Oh, there’s no doubt that the could play at that level,” says Whipple. The city of Jena is in the middle of Europe in Thuringia, the “Green Heart” of Germany. Browning shakes his head, shrugs his shoulders. Browning comes from a very athletic family. They can’t recruit a player, per se, until he puts his name on the NCAA’s official transfer list (which numbers each year in the thousands) but word gets around. I didn’t see that.’ He’s very, very smooth.”. At present, 4,682 students are enrolled at the EAH Jena, 1,269 of them in the first semester; the number includes 646 foreign students. Anja Jansen . “I seem to have a pretty good understanding of basketball,” says Browning. Enhanced Profile . The dream is still alive. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. “Try to stop the shot and it’s a fake and I’m by you for a pull up (jumper) or a layup. Places near International Office EAH Jena. University of Applied Sciences Jena - UAS Jena was founded on 1 October 1991 as one of the first institutions of higher education of its kind in the newly founded federal states of Germany. MBA-Fernstudium; MBA berufsbegleitend; Gesundheitsmanagement; Über das Verzeichnis; Informationen für Bildungsträger | Login. Office: MSB 101D About 100,000 people live in Jena and 23,000 are university students. “I think that (coaching) could work out.”, © 2021 Francis Marion University | 4822 E. Palmetto St., Florence, SC 29506, African American Faculty & Staff Coaltion, Spring (approximately 31 March – 1 August), All students are required to attend a predeparture information session shortly before studying abroad. Short periods of studying and a practical orientation complement the education at traditional universities and technical universities. He didn’t play much point for us until his senior year. His voice trails off. In some cases, you will need to submit further documents to the university after receiving admission. I tell everyone now ‘Redshirt. He was receiving significant recruiting attention by his junior year and had a number of Division I programs giving him long looks. Pssst. Selfservice. “That’s a good thing. 159 meters Augenoptik/Optometrie Fachhochschule Jena . Another changed coaches. Once you’ve received your acceptance packet you will apply for housing. That the record-setter came on a routine play is not surprising. Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena (Fachhochschule Jena) https://www.eah-jena.de/ One program that seemed like a sure thing signed another guard and never called Browning again. Was he a point guard or a shooting guard? Bewerten Sie jetzt Ihr Institut und teilen Sie Ihre Erfahrungen mit anderen. 159 meters Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena. It’s all well-deserved, but still surprising all the same for Browning seldom looks like the best athlete on the floor. Webmail. Universität zu Köln . He wasn’t exactly a secret coming out of Irmo (S.C.) High School, just north of Columbia. Eventually, Parker swatted the ball towards Browning, who gathered it in, paused to set himself and casually flipped in a three-pointer that etched his name into a prominent place in the FMU record books. WeMakeScholars. The University of Applied Sciences Jena was founded on October 1st,1991 as one of the first universities of its kind in the former Eastern part of Germany. Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Get Started . He can fly. Students have a choice of more than 30 BA and MA courses of studies, like Optometry, Business Administration, Biotechnology and Medical Engineering, Business, Env… His two dunks aside, he is not a great leaper, and he’s probably not the fastest guy around either, although as dozens of oft-burned Peach Belt Conference foes would attest, he is plenty fast enough. Ready to start your FMU journey? “. EAH Jena MT/BT. Another basketball thought has popped into a mind that processes such information at an astonishing rate. The Jena University of Applied Sciences (EAH Jena) offers a wide variety of study courses in nine departments covering engineering sciences, business administration and social sciences. “It doesn’t just happen,” explains Browning. Browning held out for a little while, waiting for the “better” offer that never came. Nähere Info über lisa.heinze109@gmail.com Detaillierte Informationen zum Umgang mit Nutzerdaten erhalten Sie in unserer, Finanzwirtschaft - Rechnungswesen - Steuern, ernst-abbe-hochschule jena soziale arbeit, fachhochschule jena wirtschaftsingenieurwesen. I just think about them five or 10 seconds before they happen.”. Die Seite, auf der Sie sich befinden, wird automatisch mitgesendet: Wie zufrieden sind Sie mit Ihrem Fernstudium? The 6-0, 180-pounder is a little stocky as basketball players go, and doesn’t have the chiseled musculature of some. Whenever that is done, Browning suspects his long-term future lies … in coaching. Application for housing should be submitted with application for admission. Welche Kategorie trifft Deine Interessen am meisten? Phone: 843-661-1463 University Overview Established in 1991, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena (Ernst-Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the small city of Jena (population range of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants), Thuringia. It’s that loyalty that Detrek showed. Clery Report Wir haben Ihre E-Mail erhalten und werden uns umgehend darum kümmern, vielen Dank. Browning played three varsity seasons at Irmo and helped the team win two state championships. The move made sense, but it’s easier said than done. You know what? “You’re really on your own a lot of times and have to stay focused to keep working on things, getting better, on your own,” says Browning. × Jetzt einen Fehler melden! Doebereiner. But it’s not necessarily who is fastest. Browning understands. Which is five or 10 (or more) seconds ahead of most. Edwards and the Patriot staff persuaded Browning that the thing to do was sit out — redshirt is the term — his freshman season, just as Gary had done. Ein Fernstudium an der Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jena bietet Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, eine wissenschaftliche Qualifikation zu erwerben und dennoch den gewohnten Lebensstil und Beruf nahezu beizubehalten. In an early January game against Clayton State, Detrek Browning waited calmly behind the three-point line while teammate Brandon Parker battled for a loose ball in the lane. EAH Jena University of Applied Sciences was founded on 1st October 1991 as one of the first institutions of higher education of its kind in the newly founded federal states of Germany. This is where I belong. But, bring them along too quickly, develop them too well – and this is especially true for programs at Division II schools like FMU — and bigger schools will come calling. Bring a player along too slowly and he will leave for a situation where he can play/shoot/start more often. Hover over the donut graph to view the FC output for each subject. On over 26,000 m² of floor space, the EAH Jena boasts more than 124 extremely well equipped, specialised laboratories and rooms for practical courses, seven modern lecture halls and 52 seminar rooms. If your name is on that list. It helped with basketball, with school, with everything. Social Work: Phone: +49 (0)3641 205-800, sw@eah-jena.de . Da finden die Jenaer Coaching Tage statt. Browning is a fine defender (he will finish his career among FMU’s all-time leader in steals, too), but what sets him apart are his offensive skills. Gesundheit, Präzision, Nachhaltigkeit & Vernetzung | The University of Applied Sciences (EAH) Jena offers a wide variety of study courses in nine departments covering engineering sciences, business administration, social and health sciences. Vielen Dank! 143 meters Carl Zeiss Jena. And so on. 2,395 Followers, 439 Following, 668 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena (@eahjena) The traditional old university town is a well-known center of high technology and, moreover, it is situated in a unique, charming landscape. “But you know, coaches look at things … it’s tough. I guess there could have been more — fans would like it — but it’s not something I was ever that excited about. But maybe he’s a little small for a D-I shooting guard, maybe he’s not that fast … So …”. Give the gift of opportunity to a Francis Marion Patriot here. Art & Art studies ; Culinary Arts ; Film and Theatre studies ; Language, Literature and Culture studies ; Philosophy ; Music ; Religious studies and Theolog Durch Betrachtung unseres Inhalts akzeptieren Sie den Gebrauch von cookies September 2021 vor. Merken Sie sich schon mal den den 10. und 11. Fields Interested in . lcintrongonzalez@fmarion.edu. Die EAH Jena (Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule-Jena) ist eine staatliche Hochschule in Thüringen. “If you can shoot the basketball, I mean really shoot it, you are basically unguardable,” Browning says. And I do think about all the plays. Würden Sie das Fernstudium weiterempfehlen? Following a rather modest start with 300 students and 13 professors, the JUAS Jena employs 144 professors teaching more than 4.900 students (about 180 from more than 30 countries) today. The table to the right includes counts of all research outputs for Jena University of Applied Sciences (EAH Jena) published between 1 November 2019 - 31 October 2020 which are tracked by the Nature Index. FMU Safe Campus Click Here to get in touch with a friendly FMU representative. University of Applied Sciences Jena - UAS Jena (German: Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena - EAH Jena) was founded on 1 October 1991 as one of the first institutions of higher education of its kind in the newly founded federal states of Germany. But those days are long past now and recalling them now brings a smile to Edwards’ face. Though a polished player for a freshman, Browning arrived on the FMU campus to find Evrik Gary — the number three scorer in school history — already ensconced in the point guard role. Website Privacy Is this your company? Schedule an in-person tour or virtual visit here. Fachhochschule Jena | 4,249 followers on LinkedIn. 3 . The university accepts online-only applications.Simply submit your documents as an upload. “That’s kind of the point of the game isn’t it?”. Gary has been on an oddball world tour since he left FMU — Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Dubuque, Iowa and now, Cyprus — but he’s got a suitcase full of memorable experiences and … he’s still playing. Bachelor's degrees in Electrical Engineering teach students advanced knowledge from Physics and Mathematics in combination with principles from electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. Note that the German government has strict requirements about insurance coverage and requires a statement indicating students have access to at least 600€ per month for living expenses. Student Achievement & Success College & University. “I kept thinking, ‘maybe a bigger school will offer me something,’” Browning says. “Most definitely,” says Browning. “My uncle (Milton Kershaw) who played football in college and is just crazy fast, taught me early on that speed kills,” says Browning. But …”. After he averaged 20.1 points a game for FMU in 2015-16, officially his sophomore season, word got around to Browning. The dynamics of college basketball at all levels have changed dramatically in the past decade. Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA . His brother is a good bit heavier than Detrek, “but can still beat me in a race. How’d he do that? GDPR Policy. College & University. Für Anbieter: Text anpassen! Ein Fernstudium an der Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jena bietet Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, eine wissenschaftliche Qualifikation zu erwerben und dennoch den gewohnten Lebensstil und Beruf nahezu beizubehalten.
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