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If given the chance to vote on a law supporting assisted suicide, how would you cast your vote? We won't know until we die & then still might not. On weekends / days off, do you like to get out and make the most of the day, or do you prefer to sleep late and relax? Do you usually vote in presidential (or applicable) elections? While shopping at a superstore (e.g. Do you, or have you ever, read a text book or technical manual for fun/pleasure? Date with older guy 0%. Which of these do you use/consult the MOST when making decisions? Would you consider dating someone who dislikes children? Choose and answer your questions wisely: The questions on OkCupid have the greatest impact on your match percentages,... 2. The most important questions on OkCupid - The OkCupid Blog Part of the OkCupid legacy is that, back in the early aughts, we included questions that were user-submitted, so as a result, there are some questions that are truly difficult to answer — but still important to think about. You remove an item that seems entirely clean, except for one long hair caked to the surface of it. They apparently suggest the only one answer, leading some people to answer insincerely, which undermines the whole idea of those questionnaires. If you were offered the opportunity to eat human meat prepared any way you like, would you at least try it? The stars ★ next to a question indicate the questions that I found “important.” This is stuff I have answered between 2010 and 2020, so many answers are going to be different than how I might answer … would you know the answer right away? What do you do? One is a scientific text. I usually steal products rather than pay for them. Imagine you're having the perfect conversation with your ideal partner. The person you have been seeing for a while climbs in through your window, crawls in bed with you, and cuddles up. Reason, Observation, Empiricism, Trial-And-Error. You are interested in someone, and you discover that they were a nerd in high school. What's your stance on the situation? If a significant other requested that you stop wearing antiperspirant or deodorant, is this something you would seriously consider? Would you prefer someone extremely mellow or extremely hyper? Is it important to you to have the last word in an argument? No, but I live in a nearby city (< 1hr by ground). Do you believe in an energy field that surrounds us that we can manipulate through reiki, acupuncture, chakra balancing, yoga, or some other system? Do you think safe sex should be taught in schools? Would you avoid all contact with an ex if your current significant other asked you to? If someone identifies as a feminist, does that raise or lower your opinion of them? If you’ve made it this far, you’re in the final stretch! 1, 4, 10, 19, 31, _. Is there any genre of music that you completely refuse to listen to? Do you wait as instructed before opening it? all crazy or suffering from some sort of mental disorder/delusion? It is good for some people, but I would not date a black woman. OkCupid determines match rankings between its users by asking them a series of questions, and determining how they answer. Have you ever brought a stray animal home? Your significant other's family speaks a different language, and will accept you more easily if you speak it. To permanently delete your OkCupid profile from the mobile app: Tap the “Profile” icon on the bottom menu bar; Then tap “Account Settings” Then “Disable your account” And then “Next” Select the reason you’re leaving, and provide more info if prompted; Answer the questions You: Right this minute, how clean is your main personal bathroom, (say the one you use every morning when you wake up in your own bed)? Contacts & Company Info . In a serious relationship, do you feel it's important to keep your significant other informed of the details of your day-to-day life? Unemployed, broke, but busy doing things I love. Would you lie about how you met a person you were dating to please your parents? Anyone can be financially successful, if only they're willing to try. I've never been in a romantic relationship. Would you rather play Scrabble, go out dancing, or get drunk? Someone offers to give you $100 if you *don't* vote in the next national election. Should the recipient give back an engagement ring if the engagement is broken off? It's your first date with someone you recently met. In 2014, OkCupid became the first dating app to introduce 22 gender and 13 orientation options. Imagine that you come home to find a partner pouring red wine all over a stranger's naked body and then licking it off. Have you ever yelled at the TV while watching sports? How important is it for you to give expensive gifts on a regular basis when in a relationship? How important would it be for you to have a work schedule that is similar to your partner's work schedule? Is exposure to sexuality damaging to the minds of children? The only luxuries would be those you could carry in a pack on your back. Which of the following aspects do you find most disturbing? Would you strongly prefer to date someone of your own skin color / racial background? Do you believe that art and literature courses are important to students, even if they are majoring in other fields? To create a profile on OkCupid, you will also need to answer some questions, but they put them less directly, which both brings out more sincerity and makes the process more fun. No, that is against my spiritual beliefs. It's possible that a few may think this of me. Would you dump someone simply because they weren't good at sex? Just before you can tell your partner, he or she gives you the following news: "I have been diagnosed with cancer and probably only have one year to live.". The most important question to ask yourself when making a decision is... Would you consider dating someone who plans to remain celibate indefinitely? Would you wear your partner's underclothing if they wanted you to? Are you really into Anime (Japanese Animation) movies? Have you performed in a theater setting as an adult? Most of these questions are either Yes/No, or offer four options to answer. Would you walk up to a stranger and tell them you think they're beautiful? OKCupid is a unique dating site because OKCupid is all about the questions. Do you think partial birth abortion should be banned? Popular age 25-35. ), if you change your mind about buying something you've picked up, do you walk back to where you found it to put it back? Do superficial people, who place a high emphasis on physical appearance, annoy you? Do you enjoy intellectual debates on topics like politics, religion, science or philosophy? No, I have no clue who I am, I'm an empty shell. Beauty 91%. Imagine that one week prior to your birthday, you receive a package from a friend. Might you be annoyed if someone asked you to repeat yourself? How would you react if someone IM'd you and quickly started talking about sex? OkCupid determines match rankings between its users by asking them a series of questions, and determining how they answer. Clicking this link will prevent you from being billed again in the future, but you'll keep the rest of the time on your subscription that you have already paid for. OKCUPID FEATURES: ONLINE DATING • Your dating profile highlights what matters to you • Answer unique questions so OkCupid can find you dates you’re compatible with • Set dating preferences, whether you’re straight, gay or anything in-between MEET NEW PEOPLE When a relationship ends, what's the best thing to do? Do people that you've dated/tried to date ever tell you that you're just too "nice"? Would you strongly prefer to go out with someone of your own skin color / racial background? Q&A . I don't understand what violation terms please reply thanks. No, their right to privacy is too important. Which of the following would you most expect to determine from a first date? Would you sabotage contraceptives to have kids even though your mate doesn't want kids? Have you ever quit a job without giving at least a week notice? Would you consider dating a law enforcement officer? How frequently do you go out of your way to make others feel appreciated? OkCupid hacks: Five lessons from a math genius 1. Does someone who refuses to take care of their body (e.g. If you turn a left-handed glove inside out, it fits... Have you ever had sex with a person within the first hour of meeting them? The last step to completing your profile are the basic questions. go along to avoid hurting your date's feelings. If you were in your last moments of life after a traffic accident, and someone from another faith was holding your hand attempting to comfort you in your last moments, what would your thoughts be about that? Do you play or have you ever played a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game? If you were out to dinner and your date was a vegetarian would you still order meat? Answer the Questions. The more laid back, smaller, or classic rides. Could you marry someone for a reason other than love (e.g. If you want to get to the top of the stairs sooner, do you: Which of the following has the biggest influence on your behavior? Action figures, dolls, or model vehicles. Have you ever lived outside the country of your citizenship for a single period that exceeds three months? There could be multiple user-submitted questions that are very similar, and OKCupid is getting rid of the worse ones (e.g. These are just some of the answers to user-generated questions asked by OKCupid, a dating site and app with 5 million monthly users. How many pillows do you sleep with at night? collecting toys that are generally considered appropriate for children. Yes, I buy and/or sell collectible coins. It features multiple-choice questions to match members. Are you, or have you ever been, in a band? People who throw cigarette butts out of their car window... How does having sex with someone usually affect your emotional attachment to them? Are some sex acts with consenting adults inherently wrong or immoral? A good topic for debate; my answer is too long. This: Do you enjoy crossword puzzles or jumbled word puzzles? Which best describes your political beliefs? Thanks for the feedback! (We mean labor, not donating money). How important is money/wealth for you in a match? Is it possible for your partner to be too ambitious? Words: Tell them how much you appreciate them, Actions: Do something nice (like a date or errand), Gifts: Buy them flowers, jewelery or a new gadget, It depends on what kind of function it is. What's your deal with harder drugs (stuff beyond pot)? Have you ever recited a poem that you did not write to someone as a means of expressing your mood or feelings? How do you feel about genetically modified foods? I was planning to clear some of the questions I answered, but I can't find the "clear" button anywhere. But then again, how can I tell the difference anyway. Reply rate 90%. Your significant other is traveling and has the opportunity to stay with a good friend that you know they find to be very attractive. You go girls! I can't dish it out, but I'd take it, I guess. You know that with a sober mind this person would never engage in casual sex, but now it seems that they're willing. If money were not an issue, would you have major cosmetic surgery on any part of your face or body? Would you ever consider dating an open-minded atheist? Do you take pills when you have a headache? Date with older guy 0%. 51/M/Minneapolis5 years ago. What kind of education did you have growing up? Would you consider having sex in a graveyard? Is it more important to you that you are tactful, or truthful? Step 3: Answer the questions. How often do you (or would you) call in sick to work or school when you are not actually ill? Based on your answers, OKCupid will decide how you match to individuals, but also the user base as a whole. As you are leaving, you have an opportunity to steal something of value, and nobody would know. If you were in a committed long-term relationship and met someone you feel an even stronger attraction to, which would you do? Would you develop a new hobby/cultivate a new interest just to have something in common with your partner? Half of all policemen are thieves and half of all policemen are murderers. Do you think the government has the right to regulate the ownership and use of weapons? Do you think people living in rural areas are more ignorant, on average, than city folks? Outside of work and school, how inclined are you to investigate something that interests you? How many times do you usually hit the snooze button on your alarm clock? I have to be in the mood. Pull over immediately and return the favor. Excluding childhood fights, have you ever punched someone in the face? When someone speaks with a noticeable accent, does that influence your opinion of their intelligence? If it were legal to do so where you live, would you smoke marijuana? Have you attended a drag queen/king show? Tourist attractions or entertainment venues. Would you prefer to have one true love forever, or lots of fun and meaningful relationships? Do you believe that wealth in America is fairly distributed? If you were involved in a serious relationship, at which of the following points would you begin looking for new potential partners? have the right to complain about not getting laid? If you were searching profiles for a match on OkCupid, which do you think would influence you more? Would you be okay with your significant other spending a lot of time with one of his/her exes (as a friend)? Would you consider dating someone who is in the process of getting divorced? Everyone’s dating preferences vary. Have you ever felt so strongly about a social issue or cause that you have participated in a public demonstration? Have you ever purchased a math textbook purely for your own enjoyment? Spotless, shiny, germ-free, clean clean clean. Have you ever participated in a high school or college marching band? How willing would you be to try out new things sexually with a partner? Do you now live in the same city or town as the one which you resided primarily in between the ages of eleven and eighteen? Do you own any dice with more than six sides? How long do you wait to call? Do you believe there are only two genders? Which do you prefer in a significant other, generally speaking? Yes, I wouldn't be able to tolerate that. How long can you go without sexual release? Do you have rhythm (at least enough to find the beat of a song)? Which of these are you most likely to do? I'd vote for a law allowing assisted suicide. Do you think most people your age would guess what kinds of music you listen to or don't listen to just by looking at you? No, I'm not against it at all / I'd go with them. You walk out of your home first thing in the morning, late for work and in a serious hurry because you greatly enjoy your job and don't want to lose it. Do you like cats? If asked, would you share the password to your email account with a significant other? You'll need to pack all of your stuff and take it with you. Do you say 'Thank you' to wait staff when served in a restaurant? “The average user answers about 300 questions on OkCupid. When you're alone, do you talk to yourself out loud? Would you consider connecting with someone whose relationship status is 'seeing someone' or 'married'? Yes, on occasion. 6. Here's a recent example that's been frustrating me: Do you think women have an obligation to keep their legs shaved? No, I expect others to speak my native language. There is considerable overlap between the two. How confident are you in your sexual abilities? You... Do you feel the urge to correct people who say stupid things? Do you enjoy reading and/or watching Shakespearean plays? If you really liked someone, would you make an effort to clean up before s/he saw your place for the first time? Your match percentage with someone shows at a glance how compatible we think you are, but sometimes you want to dig deeper to see if they might want to join your Game of Thrones viewing party, or split that pineapple pizza with you. They just don't know it. Do you have time for a committed relationship in your life at this point? Are you more of a morning person or a night person? (Be honest.). In mid-2014, Chris provided new answers to hundreds of questions on his LevelUpKing profile. Having a partner with a weaker sex drive. If a close friend doesn't call you for a week, do you start worrying that he hates you? You can skip questions without negative impact. On OkCupid, we let you define yours by photos, profile, and questions—which range from “How important is it to you that your partner smell good?” to “Should the government defund Planned Parenthood? If you like someone a lot, do you usually ask them out? Might you abuse this love purely for sex? Is there a such thing as having had too many sex partners? Would it be easier for you to make a list of things you want in a relationship or a list of things you want to avoid in a relationship? Which do you pick? Would you be comfortable being poor for the rest of your life? Do you feel that you're usually at least one step ahead of most people you talk to? How much do you go "clubbing" (out dancing in bars)? If you could have one wish granted, who'd benefit most from it? Scrape the hair off and put the item away. On average, which best describes how often you GET WICKED DRUNK? We need to recover / purchase the real pieces. Are you a 'double dipper'? Would you ever consider a relationship where you would take on an exclusive sexual role as master or slave? Would you prefer to date someone way dumber than you, or way smarter? Negative (offended, annoyed, angry, or afraid). If your spouse asked you to get a small discreet matching tattoo with them, would you? Do you ever spit on the ground, in public? If all of the professional sports leagues in the world ceased to exist, would you be upset? The last step to completing your profile are the basic questions. What do you do? How would you feel about a significant other. Would you rather live in the big city or a small town? Which would you do? If you found out your partner was cheating on you, would you cheat on them in revenge? To change your answers on OkCupid, select re-answer by tapping the question. Other than as an end to suffering, have you ever truly hoped that another person would die? Which of the following would you consider yourself? How often do you make up and sing ditties? Have you created a 'Things To Do Before I Die' list? The odds of improvement are nil. You have to choose! Just go to your profile, pan down to questions, and click on “see all.”. Have you used psychedelic drugs (LSD, mescaline, peyote, etc.) 12 Honest Answers To OkCupid Questions That Are So, So Good. BDSM: Without looking it up, do you know exactly what it stands for? Do you usually wash your hands before every meal? Your cell phone rings while you are having a conversation with a friend. I'd immediately terminate the relationship. Do you read the dedications and introductions when you're reading a book? Are you squeamish about sharing food or beverages with the person you're dating? Great Comment! Which method do you most often use to acquire products from stores? Does hanging out in an empty field, in the middle of no where, at 2am to watch a meteor shower sound like fun to you? You believe there were no witnesses. False - Nobody would ever think this of me. Have you ever driven a motor vehicle over 100mph (161kph)? If you were going to have a child, would you want the other parent to be of the same ethnicity as you? Which of the following do you consider to be the best explanation for the existence of human life on Earth? Hover your mouse over the question. mental hospital/institution.). The single person who leads someone to cheat. How many times would a person have to turn you down before you took the hint?

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